Easter 2013

How was your family's Easter this year? Ours was quite awesome. :) We went to a community egg hunt on Saturday and then saw family all Sunday. Plus today, we will be having our Second Easter with my family because they were out of town seeing Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake. The kids are excited lol!

Saturday, I braved the cold and took the kids to one of our community egg hunts run by the churches. It was COOOOOOOOLD And windy, which only made it feel colder. I hate the wind because of that! It seemed even busier than last year and this was Alan's first year of hunting alone, so Alan only found six eggs. But he didn't mind one bit! He wanted to go on the big inflatable slides and stuff they had. Alan went on each one at least once, except for the bouncy houses. He was not very into them but probably only because it was so DARN busy lol.

We also dyed eggs by ourselves for the first time. We usually dye eggs with my family but since we did it alone, I had to improvise some. I so wish that I was cool like my friends and made some super awesome Pinterest inspired eggs but I didn't lol. I found some food coloring and some Easter stickers and called it good. But I did at least use the wisk idea I saw on Pinterest and it worked like a charm! We only broke ONE egg this year and it was when Alan was putting on the stickers. :)

We don't usually give our kids candy or treats on Easter. I have always believed that little toys work just as well but they don't cause cavities lol! We got Anna some Dog Brand puppies to find and Alan a bunch of Angry Bird Star Wars toys. I got a dozen roses and Les Miserables. Oh my its epic! <3 Lon got the movie the Watch and Lego toys. We were able to fit Alan's into the eggs but Anna's were too big. There were over 20 eggs hidden in our living room and the kids found them all! Alan was just a little too fast for me to get any super good pictures but I did grab one. I got lucky too because Lon is smiling in the corner of it!

Then it was time to visit family. We had Easter brunch at my parents house with my mother, Great Grandma Marcia, Great Grandpa Louie, Great Aunt Marnie and my mother's friend Karla. I took Alan out to play while food was being made. Then we had a delicious brunch of ham with pineapple, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Yum! Anna even tried some real food, the great grandparents sure loved that!

We had Easter dinner at the in-law's house with Lon's mother, father, Great Grandma Joyce, Great Grandpa Floyd, Aunt Ariel, and Uncle Chase. Amber spoiled us with two types of keiche, lobster with rice, and cauliflower. It was so amazing, even Alan liked it! I had no idea he would eat lobster! :) Then we called and spoke with Uncle Aaron who was on duty in New York. It was nice talking with him and keeping him company. I also made a point to text Uncle Cameron who was stuck in school. Its nice to let those who can't be with us know that they are being thought of and loved.

Our Easter was fantastic and today now that my family is back in town, we will be having our Second Easter with them today. Very excited! I hope that your Easter was just as good as ours was! :) I will leave you now with an Easter themed photo dump. Enjoy!


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