Happy Birthday Aunt April!

Today is Aunt April's 14th birthday.

Aunt April has sure grown into an amazingly talented young lady. She can dance with the best and even occassionally move them to tears (I have seen it happen). She is a wonderful singer, that girl has got some lungs on her! She is very smart, I believe she plans on taking honors courses in science and english in high school. She excells at playing the violin, following in Aunt Natalie's footsteps. :) And if that isn't enough for you, this girl has a heart of gold.

Both of my children love their aunt oodles and oodles. Anna just adores her! Aunt April always plays with Anna's hair and styles it in pretty hairdos. She loves it already lol. Plus they have the same red hair too! Alan loves how Aunt April is still young and will be wild and crazy with him. She is very good at that lol! :P My children are very lucky to have her in their lives.

I just have to put this in here too, just how rocking she is: Aunt April won a lightning gold award for her solo at the Thunderstruck competition and received fourth overall in the teen catagory. She even received a schloarship to Las Vegas for some workshops! Congratulations again April! You are an amazing dancer!

We love you Aunt April! You did awesome at this weekend's performance and are so amazing! Happy birthday!


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