Month in Review: March 2013

Okay I have to be honest with you all for a moment, even though my phone and all its apps are the total coolest... There are still a few things I have yet to figure out how to do lol. Like a linked post. Yep, have no idea how to do one on my phone yet. Oh well, that only means my phone is obsolete like once a month right? :P Anyways, happy Wednesday everyone. Not too much is going on here today, I teach dance tonight and we recently added a second dance to our recital for my class. I am very excited!  I will try to get in a What I'm Loving Wednesday post out sometime later, so keep an eye out for that. But for now, let's go over what happened to the Andersen family this past month.

Uncle Cameron turned 29 in the beginning of March, he was of course still in Washington for school though so we were unable to celebrate with him. We still sent him a bunch of texts and pictures for his birthday, which he loved. One of Alan and Anna's friends celebrated his first birthday this month at a local pizzeria. Then towards the middle of the month, Uncle Jake had his birthday as well. We also were not able to celebrate with him right away, because he and Aunt Natalie live in Missoula. But we will take the both of them out to dinner for his birthday the next time they are in town. Anna turned eight months old and started really wanting to be able to stand by herself. And although I wrote the post in April, Easter Sunday was the last day in March this year. We celebrated with egg hunts and food with family and loved ones.

Lon was involved in a car accident at the beginning of this month, then suffered a severe ulcer which had him in and out of the hospital for a week. Poor guy could not catch a break. :/ We are soooooooo glad he is finally doing better! Love you baby! Unfortunately, a member of the breast feeding group I belong to online passed away from an aneurysm so a handful of the women from the group set up a Breast Milk for Gemma foundation. What a beautiful thing to create out of such a sad thing. Lon and I also went to my first ever staff party at the Elks Club. We had a blast dancing and spending time with our friends! And we had family come into town for Easter. It was nice to see them several times throughout the week! We love you guys! Hope you have a safe trip home!

I wrote about only a few things this month. It was hard because up until the middle of the month, I did not have a phone. Aunt Ariel caught chicken pox from Uncle Chase's shingles, so Lon and I made her a care package for while she was stuck at home. She just loved it and is now feeling much better! I got a new phone with all these cool apps and stuff. I can now write blog posts from my phone! Way cool lol! Finally, I shared with everyone my newly discovered addiction to Instagram lol. Hello, my name is Jillian and I have an addiction to Instagram...

I hope that next month is better than last month, March was somewhat hard on this family. But we all made it through, happy and healthy and thankful for Spring! April brings Aunt April's birthday (no really lol?), our second wedding anniversary, choreography for two hiphop dances, Anna's nine month old photo shoot and other wonderful things. Happy April everyone!


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