Randomness About the Weekend

I am feeling very scatterbrained today. Like I am really REALLY missing something very important, but I cannot seem to put my finger on it! Maybe its my brain I am missing lol...

Be prepared for one WILD post because I cannot even remember what I was going to write about for this weekend. Wow. I. need. some. sleep. Teething sucks, for mama and baby lol! Anna, can we go to bed for more than three hours tonight lol? You can nap during the day but I can't! :)

This weekend was fun for us. Saturday was Aunt April's birthday shopping spree. I had to take the kids with me so it was more like an "Aunt April Shopped While I Chased Kids Around Spree" if there is such a thing lol! She did get a cute shirt and a top for dance though. And we had yummy tea. We had a great time!

I am getting so close to my dance showcase, its nerve wracking! I have been losing sleep on it, work choreography wherever I am at, have been loading dance picture after picture for last minute inspiration and think about it all the time lol. I am just obsessed with it, do say the least. I hope its good, we have a much bigger venue and audience then we did last time. I know that my kids will rock it, I just can't seem to shake this anxiety over the whole ordeal. Oh well lol, it will be all worth it in the end. :)

Aunt Natalie's shower is also less than 3 weeks away now. I am very excited for this, it will be after the dance showcase and will be a lot of fun! It is dinosaur themed and I don't want to give too much away but let's just say that Aunt Natalie will have plently of wall decoration for Benton's nursery! :D I cannot wait to see family too! We missed out on seeing a handful of my beloved family over Easter, it will be wonderful to see them again this soon!

Yesterday, we went over to see Lon's family. Aunt Ariel, Aunt Sam, Uncle Chase and Grandma Amber invited us over for dinner. We played with the puppies and Aunt Ariel's Lego collection, then dined one some yummy stir fry. It was nice getting out of the house on a Sunday, and seeing the kids love on Lon's brother and sisters. I did not take any pictures of the event, even though I probably should have. Right now, Anna is growing sooooooooo much each day, I need to constantly be taking pictures of her with her loved ones.

I felt like I needed some major "Me Loving" from well, of course, me lately. So I scheduled myself a pedicure next weekend. I loooooooove pedicures and having pretty feet for like, a day lol. Its nice to feel like I have normal feet.

Another random thought: I want to start painting my nails again. I have been toying this idea around in my head and I think I will be okay at this point, especially since Anna doesn't really ever put my fingers in her mouth.

Well, I started this post WAY earlier today and am just now finishing it. Did it make any sense? I will never know lol. Like I told my mom today when I dropped Anna off (about her diaper bag lol), "Well I hope I remembered everything I was supposed too!" Lol, happy Monday everyone!


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