Anna Ariel: 18 Months Old!!
Holy cow, its already been a year and a half since I have had my baby girl??? When did this happen? Oh right, it happened today lol. Its crazy how fast time has gone it seems, its been three months since I stopped nursing her. Like five months since Anna has started walking. Seven months since she has started talking, and she hasn't stopped yet lol! I just cannot believe that she is only half a year away from being two. She has grown up so much this past month, both physically and mentally. She is such a big girl! Most people think that she is already two years old, her hair is so long and she is so darn tall! I love you Anna Ariel, you are so perfect for us in every single way! You are the finishing touch on our little family. :)
At eighteen months, Anna Ariel:
*weighs approximetly25 pounds 23 pounds and 11 ounces and is approximetly 34 inches 31 1/2 inches tall!
*is about to grow out of her 18M clothing this month! She is too tall for her pants and her sleeves are too short! She is also now into diaper size 4. And her shoes are size 6. Big girl!
*has light red ish auburn colored hair that goes down to the middle of her back! Its has grown so much this past month! She now looks like a little girl with her long hair.
*has blue ish hazel colored eyes, turning more like her brother and father each day!
*has four teeth in right now and another two on the way! Her teeth are coming through real fast now!
*eats the same that we do now. Her favorite things are just about any type of fruit, spaghetti, mac and cheese, hot dogs and pizza.
*has grown up so much this past month! She is getting good at walking up the stairs with just her feet, instead of on all fours. She uses a fork all the time when she eats now. She has baby dolls that she will take care of now, she feeds them and will push them around in their stroller. She has also started wearing hard soled shoes, she is still just getting used to them though. She walks like a little deer with them on lol!
*She has finally started sleeping normally again! Hallelujah! She will go to bed around 8 or 9 at night and sleep until 10 or 11 in the morning, only waking up once or twice for a few moments at night. She also will nap for about an hour to hour and a half each day. Today she only got a half hour in and we almost didn't make it lol!
*Can now say, "Mama, Dada, Alan, Kitty, Meow, Horsie, Happy, Puppy, Bobba (Bottle), No, Drink, Yeah, Eat, Hi, All Done, Night Night, ByeBye, Boo, April, Ariel, KK (Kalvin), Gramma, Papa, GumGum (Thank You), Pwease (Please), Ball, Play, Icky, Santa, HoHoHo, Snow and What" She has this interesting language that is half the English language and have baby babble. I just love it! I am around her enough that I understand most of it lol. She is soooooooo close to talking!
*The dog bite is officially fully healed up now. Its a pretty decent sized scar, a small "Y" shape on her left temple. Its quite red right now because she fell and hit it over the Christmas break. Grrrr... I have been putting some Vitamin E on it daily to help reduce it reddness and the look of it some. But she doesn't even notice it anymore! Thankfully for her its nothing but a bad memory. We are so blessed to have her all better and doing great!
*likes gymnastics, singing, playing with her brother, dancing with her Mama, coloring and drawing pictures, Princess Sofia, dresses, her new shoes, Minnie Mouse, her stuffed animals, puppies and kitties, reading books, Peg and Cat, being a big girl, having her hair done, and her family.
Happy 18 month birth anniversary Anna Ariel! Daddy, Alan and I love you endlessly. We can't wait to watch you grow up into a beautiful, smart young lady!
If you liked this post or enjoy this blog, I ask you to click on the button below to vote for our blog on Top Baby Blogs. We are currently number 94! Wow we keep going down a number every other day! Thanks to everyone who helped get us down to that number! Please keep voting! You can vote once a day (per computer, if you have multiples... I'm just saying lol) by clicking on the button below! Thank you guys!

At eighteen months, Anna Ariel:
*weighs approximetly
*is about to grow out of her 18M clothing this month! She is too tall for her pants and her sleeves are too short! She is also now into diaper size 4. And her shoes are size 6. Big girl!
*has light red ish auburn colored hair that goes down to the middle of her back! Its has grown so much this past month! She now looks like a little girl with her long hair.
*has four teeth in right now and another two on the way! Her teeth are coming through real fast now!
*eats the same that we do now. Her favorite things are just about any type of fruit, spaghetti, mac and cheese, hot dogs and pizza.
*has grown up so much this past month! She is getting good at walking up the stairs with just her feet, instead of on all fours. She uses a fork all the time when she eats now. She has baby dolls that she will take care of now, she feeds them and will push them around in their stroller. She has also started wearing hard soled shoes, she is still just getting used to them though. She walks like a little deer with them on lol!
*Can now say, "Mama, Dada, Alan, Kitty, Meow, Horsie, Happy, Puppy, Bobba (Bottle), No, Drink, Yeah, Eat, Hi, All Done, Night Night, ByeBye, Boo, April, Ariel, KK (Kalvin), Gramma, Papa, GumGum (Thank You), Pwease (Please), Ball, Play, Icky, Santa, HoHoHo, Snow and What" She has this interesting language that is half the English language and have baby babble. I just love it! I am around her enough that I understand most of it lol. She is soooooooo close to talking!
*likes gymnastics, singing, playing with her brother, dancing with her Mama, coloring and drawing pictures, Princess Sofia, dresses, her new shoes, Minnie Mouse, her stuffed animals, puppies and kitties, reading books, Peg and Cat, being a big girl, having her hair done, and her family.
If you liked this post or enjoy this blog, I ask you to click on the button below to vote for our blog on Top Baby Blogs. We are currently number 94! Wow we keep going down a number every other day! Thanks to everyone who helped get us down to that number! Please keep voting! You can vote once a day (per computer, if you have multiples... I'm just saying lol) by clicking on the button below! Thank you guys!
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