One Big Weekend!

This weekend was a big one for our family! This Saturday was Alan's first basketball practice and my first hip hop class for the session. Then on Sunday we went Aladdin Junior at the Billings Studio Theatre. Quite a weekend full of activities for us!

Alan started basketball this Saturday. He was nervous at first but as soon as he met his coaches and saw that many of his friends were also in the class, he was much more at ease. Unfortunately, I had hip hop the same time he had class, so I didn't get to watch much. But he said he had a good time! He showed me how they taught him to dribble the ball and even shot a basket! :) I was also able to experience the High Five line lol. Its where all the parents are at one end in two lines and the kids are at the other in one line. The kids run in between the parents line and are given a High Five from each parent! Oh Alan loved that so much lol.

Here are a few photos from his first class:

Alan's cool basketball pose before class started

The High Five line! Run kids run!

I also had my first hip hop class for the session on Saturday. There was only two kids in class, so we had to add them to our Wednesday class. It was still a fun class though! I am so glad that I am back in my home. :) Yay! I cannot wait until next week, for my biggest hip hop class ever!

Sunday night, the kids and I went to Aladdin Junior, a children's musical at the local Billings Studio Theatre. I had received the tickets FOR FREE from my job! Love litle perks like these, another reason why I love my job! It was a wonderful little play, full of those catchy Disney songs that I love so much! I think I sang with each one lol! Good thing my kids are too young to be embarrassed by me! :P

We had a fantastic time though. Unfortunately on the way the theatre, I was pulled over by a police officer. Apparently my registration had expired in November and because we moved recently, no one was able to remind me through the mail. I had honestly thought it expired in April! But looking back, I think that was the old Caddy that expired in April. Darn! He cited me for it, but was apologetic about the citation and very understanding of our situation. He talked to the kids a little too, because Alan thought I was in trouble lol. The officer reassured Alan that I was alright, and even picked up Alan's toy that he had dropped! Thanks sir! It stunk that I was cited but at least we had the nicest officer ever! :)


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