Ringing in 2014

I hope that everyone had a wonderful New Year that was safe and full of happiness, remembrance and love! We had a pretty decent New Year's ourselves, we didn't do too much on New Year's Eve (in fact I fell asleep at ten lol) but I did treat the children to a special day on New Year's Day. I surprised Alan and Anna with a day at the mall. We played in the play area for about an hour, enjoyed smoothies from Orange Julius and then spent their gift cards at Build-A-Bear Workshop. Pretty decent day if I do say so myself! :) Alan started school again today, he was so excited to go back and see his friends. Which is awesome because I honestly was worried he wouldn't want to go back to his regular schedule after two weeks of fun and partying lol. But he woke up this morning talking about Preschool and his friends! He is also happy that even though its the first day back, he still gets to have swimming lessons. He just loves his new swim teacher!

Lon and I both worked New Year's Eve morning. Then we spent the afternoon at Grandma Amber's house. The kids played Legos with Uncle Chase and we watched a few movies. We watched Burt Wonderstone, Now You See Me, Jack the Giant Slayer and the adults watched White House Down. Of all the movies, my favorite two were probably Now You See Me and White House Down. Both movies had some great actors in them and both movies had exciting, gripping plots. White House Down had me totally crying like a baby by the end but what can I say, I get sad if kids are in danger, even if its fictional. Just the mother in me. :) We had a great day with them!

Once it was late, we headed over to Grandma Melanie's house to do our New Year's cheers together. Alan had fruit punch in a fancy glass (he didn't want the apple cider lol) and I had some cider. Was going to have some chardonnay but the taste didn't agree with me lol. What I really wanted was that delicious red wine from Olive Garden lol. We shared our favorite parts of 2013 and our wishes for 2014, then had some dessert and went to bed. I am so lame on New Year's lol, its the one night of the year I am always so tired and fall asleep early. Any other night and I can stay up JUST FINE until one or two in the morning, but on New Year's? Forget about it!

New Year's Day was much more exciting for everyone. We woke up nice and early to watch the Rose Parade, I loved snuggling with my kids! After that we took Lon to work, then went to the mall for the afternoon. Alan and Anna played at the mall play area for an hour! It was pretty much dead there too, only two or three kids there at a time. They just loved it! Alan ran everywhere and tried to climb on everything. Anna followed him around and went down the waterfall slide a billion times. They had so much fun! After a while, the kids started getting tired so we took a quick break and had smoothies from Orange Julius. Alan picked the strawberry orange smoothie (he wouldn't share with Miss Anna either lol) and I decided on the strawberry banana smoothie. I ended up sharing mine with Anna but I didn't mind.

After enjoying our smoothies, we went to Build-A-Bear Workshop to spend the gift cards Grandpa Kevin and Uncle Kalvin had gotten the kids. Alan picked out a Camo-colored bear and Anna picked out a limited edition Disney princess bear. Alan dressed his bear with an IronMan suit (and camo-colored undies lol) and we picked out a rainbow shirt and skirt for Anna's bear. They named the bears IronMan and Princess, of course lol. It was quite fun and we hadn't been there in a while, not since Anna was born! This was her first built bear! She was more interested in the end product then the whole process but she still had fun. And Alan was just amazed, he ran all over looking at everything, trying to decide what he wanted to pick out. There was so much stuff! And they had just recently gotten My Little Pony stuffed animals, had a whole collection! We decided the princess bear would be best for now, since it was limited edition. We can always go back to have a pony party! :) I love Build-A-Bear Workshop, its a great place for kids to go and do something, not just buy things!

It was a fantastic New Year's Day and a great way to ring in 2014! I hope that this makes for a great year for this family! Can't wait for all the wonderful things 2014 will bring for us! Happy New Year!


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