What I'm Loving Wednesday!! January 8, 2014

I haven't done a What I'm Loving Wednesday in ages, I am not sure that Jamie @ Little Miss Daisy Mae is even still doing the link up lol. Oh well, I will still give her a shout out, since I am using her button for this post. Thanks Jamie for creating this midweek positivity blog hop! With my current New Year goals in effect, I want to start doing a WILW every week again! Here's what I am loving this week!

I'm loving that our local library has finally finished construction on their new building and have reopened their doors to the public! I cannot wait to take the kids there to check it out and to get Alan his FIRST library card! My parents instilled an importance and love for reading books through our public library, I hope to do the same for my children!

I'm loving that Anna is officially 18 months old! Where did the time go??? She grew up so quickly!

I'm loving that I had 13 students show up to my first hip hop class of the winter/spring session tonight! 13 kids, I just couldn't believe it! They all did so awesome and were so enthusiastic to learn! I love it and cannot wait to see how my Saturday class turns out!

I'm loving that we are finally starting to get into the 40 degree weather here and the snow is starting to melt off the roads. We have had slick roads for too long, tired of driving around with all the crazies on the road lol.

I'm loving that Alan started gymnastics again this week, after a two week Christmas break. He really missed class and was so excited to start back up again!

I'm loving how close we are to being able to start looking for our own house. We are only a few weeks away from being able to afford a rental, then its a matter of finding one that will accept us. Cross your fingers, we should be moved into our own place by spring time!

I'm loving… that I start gymnastics this week as well. I will be teaching the Tumble Bears class this Saturday while Alan is in basketball practice.

I'm loving this new daddy blogger I found over the holiday. Have you ever read Daddy Doin' Work? He is hilarious! And very real about parenting and other life endeavors. I enjoy reading his sarcastic statements about parents and non-parents our society, he is a definite good read if you are looking for a laugh! Check him out!

I'm loving that Alan starts basketball for the first time this weekend. I am a little nervous, honestly, but only because I will also be in class while he is at basketball. I so wish that I could watch him and enjoy his learning experience with this great sport, but I will be teaching hip hop. I do hope it goes super well for him and that he just loves it!

I'm loving that Anna did not have to get any vaccinations today at her doctor appointment. She was already traumatized enough from the dog bit incident and was giving our wonderful family doctor such a rough time. I felt bad for both of them. :/ Glad that we at least didn't have to get shots on top of it!

I'm loving this, just this: "There is no need for temples, and there's no need for complicated philosophy. Our brain and our hearts is our temple, the philosophy is kindness. This is my simple religion" -The Dalai Lama

I'm loving my new tennis shoes for gymnastics class. They are Sketchers and although I wanted a pair Pumas real badly, I couldn't bring myself to pay $40 for them lol. The Sketchers were only $23 so they were perfect! I love them now too! All black, they look good with my gymnastics teaching uniform!

I'm loving these awesome Pinterest finds:

1. The cutest Minion crochet outfit I have seen yet! So cute! 2. Speaking of crochet, I need to re-teach myself how to! 3. Greek Tortellini Salad, yum! 4. A bookcase in a door? I think yes for this family of readers! 5. A great craft idea for Child Watch during Valentine's Day. And cute Valentines for Alan's preschool class. 6. An awesome idea for Natalie's wedding: a Meet the Men and Meet the Maids area! Introduces your bridesmaids and groomsmen to your wedding guests. Love it!

I'm loving my family, my friends, my job and my life!

What are you loving today?


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