No Gymnastics for Anna

I am so sad right now!! Monday I went into Billings Gymnastics School to talk about getting Anna into a Parent Child Gymnastics class while Alan was in his own class. She is officially old enough to take a class and has wanted to since she was a year old lol, I wanted to get her in class right away! Unfortunately, the only class that may work for us and our schedule is already full. So she is currently on the waiting list now, but that could take until summer for classes to open up! Boohoo!

However, I have been taking her to the Y's Open Gym on Thursdays after I drop Alan off for Preschool. She just loves it! Its our Mommy-Daughter Date time together, just me and her playing and having fun! Its a good replacement for now, until she can take a class at BGS. And the best part is, its free! You can't beat that lol!

Because of the recent holidays, Open Gym has been closed the past two weeks. Anna has really missing it and our time together. Needless to say, we were quite excited to go back to Open Gym yesterday! She had a blast, running all around. She was really into playing with the basketball and hoop this time. We had a great time and she took a nap right after! Score for this mama lol!

I just had to post this photo of her lol! She ran up to me before the camera had a chance to focus. Just call her Turbo lol!

The many attempts I had of trying to get a picture of Anna in the "Classic Donut Hole" lol. Alan has had several photo opts in it, even I have when I was a child lol. But darn it all, she is too fast for me!

I am glad that we at least have this replacement for Anna until the waiting list is up. Because she is a wild child, just like her brother! The more activity she has, the better for my sanity lol! And I enjoy it too. :)


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