A super sneaky mama I am!
Sometimes when people ask me how many kids I have, I go with the cliche joke of most wives (MY MOM) and say, "I have two- my son and my husband." I often do feel like my husband is just another kid in the house- I have to drag him out of bed in the morning and yell at him to go to sleep at night, I have to remind him to do his "chores" around the house, I have to schedule all his appointments and remind him to go to them, I have to make sure he takes his medicine, and one of the most difficult I've found: I have to make sure he gets in his daily nutrients. This is particularly difficult because I have one of the most pickiest eaters ever! He doesn't like vegetables, most fruit, only really likes beef or chicken or pork, won't eat any leftovers (he thinks they're gross), and wants to survive only off of candy, pop and chips, etc. So I am always trying to find ways to slip in the nutrients he needs. For example, last night I made vegetable and meat spa...