Motivational Mondays!! March 21, 2011

Motivational Monday Blog Hop!!

Happy Monday everyone! This is my first time doing this, so enjoy! :D

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you're riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!" Bob Marley

I really wanted to do a mantra from either the Dhammapadda or the Tao Te Ching, but I lent one of them to a good friend and have misplaced the other one, oddly enough. The next best thing I could think of was the always insightful Bob Marley. <3 This man is a genius in my eyes. He has pulled me out of some dark times in my life with his music and his everlasting love. <3 I will do a mantra next week though. I have the perfect one in mind! :D I hope everyone has a grand Monday! I can't wait to link up and read some new blogs! Peace!!


  1. Happy Monday! Thanks for the follow, I will gladly return it back. :D

  2. Hi there,

    Thanks for linking up to "The Motivational Monday Blog Hop" and posting it too. That's great!

    I love Bob Marley!

    Take care!


  3. Thanks! I haven't yet had a chance to check out some other blogs, but I can't wait to yet. :D Hope you had a good Monday, and have a wonderful Tuesday!

  4. Good advice from Mr. Marley. If you like 70's music you might enjoy Poco, Dave Mason, and Crosby, Stills & Nash, too. A mantra? Haven't heard one of those since the 70's. :o)blessings on your day, Jillian.

  5. I'm a practicing Buddhist, so mantras or sutras :) are kinda my thing lol. But thank you for the music advice, I will definitely check them out asap! Have a great Monday! <3


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