Sunny Family Sundays

I love Sundays so much. Most weeks, its my only day off from work. This week was one of those weeks. And as most of you know, my family has a tradition known as Family Sundays. We simply spend our whole day together, doing fun family activities. :)

Today, Alan woke up and Lon brought him to our bed for our usual morning snuggle. We watched Jake and the Never Land Pirates (Alan's new second favorite show- only behind Seasame Street lol). Then we got up and I made eggs while Alan and Lon made us toast with jelly (Alan helped by spreading the jelly on with a spoon! We were so proud!). We ate breakfast together and then started potty training. In between our morning play sessions, Alan went to the potty eight times again and we're very happy to say he went pee twice! :D We will continue with the first "step" (going potty at home with diapers, goal nothing in diapers) next week and hopefully the last week of March we will be able to start trying out potty training at Child Watch!

Just before Alan went down for his nap, I convinced Lon to go on a short walk with Alan and I. We walked around the neighborhood a couple of blocks, and Alan loved being outside! Like he always does lol. :) We passed a few people walking dogs, and each time Alan squealed and clapped or yelled at the dog. He kept calling them all BuhBuh (Lon's parent's dog) lol, no matter how many times we explained to him where Buster was. Silly boy! But he really enjoyed the walk, and it was the perfect thing to wear him out for his nap! Score one for us parents lol! While Alan napped, Lon and I were able to finish what cleaning he wasn't able to get to yesterday. We have a clean house once again! :D Well see how long it lasts though lol!

Alan awoke around 3:30, ready to get out for the day! :) Since Lon had recently gotten paid and we had a little extra spending cash from his paycheck, we thought we'd try to make a trip to the new Sonic recently built in the Heights. We drove up there, and were bummed to discover that it was still RIDICULOUSLY PACKED... :\ We're planning on waking up early and going tomorrow at 10, hopefully it won't be super busy then. Cross your fingers for us! Lon and I love Sonic! :) Instead, we ate at the Dairy Queen up there because I had coupons. Yes lol! :) Lon had a chili cheese dog (he really wanted Sonic lol) and onion rings, I had a cheeseburger and french fries, and Alan had a kids meal with a hot dog and french fries. Yum!

We decided to go visit Grandma and Grandpa Andersen after our late lunch. We hoped to take Aunt Ariel to the park nearby their house, but she wasn't home when we got there. So instead, Alan and I played with Buster in the house and out in the backyard while Lon and his dad worked on his car some. Then Alan visited with Uncle Chase just before he left with friends. We missed Uncle Chase this last week, as he was in Bozeman with Uncle Tyler and Aunt Sam. Alan was very happy to see him. :) Then Alan harassed Grandma Amber, who was trying to do some spring cleaning. After that, I put him up at the table with his leftover hot dog, bun and fries. He chowed it down, and fed some to Buster before we caught him! Little turd! :P Then we had to head home for dinner.

For dinner, I made sloppy joes with tater tots and peas. We made Alan one and cut it up into tiny pieces, but he got upset about that and wouldn't touch it. Guess who got to eat that one lol??? You're reading her blog! :P So we made a second one for Alan and cut it into thirds, which he seemed to tolerate because he ate all three of them, plus a ton of tater tots and peas! Lon enjoyed dinner as well. While I was meditating after dinner, Alan and him made me peanut butter cookies as a thank you for dinner! :) They were also delicious! Thanks honey! We were also able to squeeze in two more potty training sessions before having to bathe Alan and put him to bed, and he peed once again! That makes three times today! We're definitely making some progress! :D Alan had a wonderful time in his bath, and went to bed peacefully without a fuss. Now that's what I call a Sunday night!

Lon went into the Village Inn to set up for Monday, so I'm gonna go take a shower and then possibly read some. Found a book I bought a while ago and must have misplaced. I might start it tonight. :) I also was able to upload some of my back logged blog posts from last year. Check out my archives if your interested! I will continue with more tomorrow! Have a great night everyone!


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