Still planning that wedding of ours lol.

Only six and a half weeks away from our wedding, and we are *almost* done planning for it lol. We have all our bridesmaids' and groomsmens' outfits picked out and ordered, and the last of them just came in yesterday. My dress and accessories are also picked out and ordered, and I get to go get my dress tomorrow after Alan's doctor appointment!! :D Our flower girls and ring bearers (plus their two chaperons lol) are almost all the way picked out (only Aunt Nikki has to pick out her dress). Even our mothers have their dresses picked out.

We ordered and now have our rings and I ordered all the flowers. I have our photographer scheduled (the one and only Bryson's Photo Studio) and the invitations are sent. Our venue is booked and we're praying to Mother Nature for good weather. All of our dates are scheduled- my bachelorette party, his bachelor party, my bridal shower, and the wedding reception. I've purchased almost all of the decorations and just need to get some purple streamers (that's the only color that the Dollar Tree doesn't carry! What???).

The only one who doesn't have something yet is my own husband lol! He was supposed to go get a tux this week, but has so far put it off. Grr! :P He's always the slacker though, so I'm used to it lol. But I can't call myself a hippie and then rag on him for his one hippie quality lol- Taking forever to do ANYTHING... <3

Like I said earlier in the post, tomorrow is Alan's eighteen month checkup. I am anxious as I will once again be taking him all by myself, which doesn't sound hard except its my wild man. :) I am also curious to see what his doctor says about his low iron. Let's hope its nothing but its still good to get a professional opinion, not that the WIC dietitians aren't professional lol. I've just trusted Alan's doctor with everything about him since he was born, she's my gal. :) I will post Alan's measurements asap tomorrow. Can't wait to see how much he weighs!

So Alan was cracking me up at daycare today, he and this other little boy were playing with a My Little Pony set and they started fighting over a hot pink pony lol. :) Ah children, how I love them so. Not trapped by such silly gender rules, they enjoy playing with suposed "girl" toys just because they are horses and fun. If only we could be like them and not judge other people when they don't follow gender rules, then this world would be a little bit of a happier place. Maybe we should learn from our children too, instead of just teaching them. :)


  1. I agree, we should learn from children, they have a lot of simple attributes that adults need to re-acquire!
    Becky Jane


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