I hope you don't mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you're in the world.

And it is. <3

Today is our one year anniversary since Lon and I got married at the tax counter.  Yay! :D I am so happy right now and can't wait to enjoy a wonderful day with my beloved boys. Oh and happy Saint Patrick's Day to everyone also! :) We've been trying to teach Alan to say leprechaun today and so far haven't been successful lol. Maybe we should have started teaching him earlier??? :P

But I digress, I'm making this post all about my wonderfully amazing husband. So here we go go!! (Dr. Suess anyone? Sorry, back to Lon lmao!)

What can I say about you Lon??? There's so much to love... And so many words to express my love. Some that aren't all mine lol. Yes when I think of Lon, a lot of songs and lyrics come to mind. This is of course because music is such a big part of my life, even though I no longer create my own music. So I will probably just be throwing in random lyrics, and I will quotation them so no one is confused lol. :)

"I've been thinking its a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned."

I know we've been through a lot together, some good and some bad, but we've made it through and now here we are at the clearing. And how beautiful this clearing is. We're all healthy, we have a comfortable place to live, we both have jobs and cars, and we are okay financially. Not to mention about to have our real wedding too! :) That's way better than where we were at the beginning of the relationship. At the beginning of this we were both young lost kids who didn't know what to do with our lives. Now we have a lot to do! :D It makes me so happy.

"Cos maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me. And afterall, you're my wonderwall."

Wow perfect lyric placement. This lyric is so very true to us. You are my number one supporter in life, and you have been since the day you met me. That unconditional love and support is so amazing, it just blows me away. You always know how to bring up my spirits and make me happy again, even if its just something stupid. You remember all the things that I like (even the little things) and will always think of me before yourself. We will always have so much to talk about and you know how to make me laugh. You seem to be the only one who really understands me and what I go through mentally with my PPAD. We seem to be perfect matches for each other, I support your flaws to make you stronger and you support mine as well. You really are my best friend, perfect parenting partner, and a wonderful husband.

"I need you to see this place, it might be the only way that I can show you how it feels to be inside of you! How do you do when you make me feel like I do? How do you do when its better than I ever knew?"

This may not be the best lyric to go before this, but I mean it figuritively of course. :) Ah Incubus and your sexual innuendos...

Anyways Lon, you are the best father to Alan. You are so sweet, gentle, understanding, loving, helpful and playful with him. I can tell he just adores you, you can see it in his eyes when he looks at you. He is going to grow up with the most love and respect for you, I can't wait. He'll probably even follow in your footsteps as an artist and an inventor. He'll be proud to call you his dad. :)

"Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm. Change the weather still together when it ends."

I really cannot wait to officailly marry you. I'll admit, the first time I met you, I didn't even think that we'd make it this far. I thought we'd just be friends like I was with your other brothers. But I've never been happier to have this family with you. I wouldn't want to have a family with anyone else and I wouldn't change it anyway. You and Alan are my life, completely fully and entirely. Ugh there are so many more things I want to say but I don't know how to... So I will leave it with this, Lon you are my life, my love and my everything. Happy first anniversary. <3


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