Five Question Friday! March 18, 2011

Once again, I feel like the week just blew by! How does this continue to happen to me lol??? Oh wait, I know how... Because I'm a mom! :) My life has been crazy busy this week too. We've started potty training Alan, yesterday was Lon and I's anniversary, its that time of the month to pay bills, I had to go pick up my wedding dress and shoes from the steamer's, Lon's tooth is still hurting him so we had to take him back into the dentist, my car broke down so we're taking it to the shop and with all of that, I also have my art classes to teach and the rest of my job to work. Blah we are running around like crazy from dawn to dusk this week! That's okay though lol, at least it got us through the week fast and now I'm ready for the weekend! 

This weekend we hope to get Alan outside a bunch (he loves this warm weather!) and do some spring cleaning around the apartment. You can totally tell we've been stuck inside here all winter with cabin fever, its a pit lol! But for now, its time for my third Five Question Friday... Hooray!! :D

Five Question Friday!!! 

1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?
 Yep. My senior year of high school, my work was in a sexual harassment case against one of our employees. I had worked often with this person, and was asked to testify for my company. It was really boring and almost made me go over my ten days at school so I hated the whole thing, but yes I've had the experience lol.

2. Do you still have your wedding dress?
Ahahaha, of course I do lol. :D I actually just got it yesterday and let me tell you, its just BEEEEEAAAAAUUUUUTIFUL!!!! Darn I just love it so much, and I look so very good in it! I can't wait to get some pics of it up on here! :D

3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?
Yes, there is one place I love to go to think and sometimes meditate in the spring and summer. Those of you that know Billings, that place is the rims. <3 I love going to the rims and going right up to the edge of a cliff, and sitting on the edge to just ponder and think. Ooh its just so beautiful and peaceful up there, and if you find the right spot, you can have airplanes fly right over you to land. A lot of Billings folk underestimate the rims, but honestly if there is one place to find my family in the warm weather, it'd be up there. Lon enjoys climbing and hiking, Alan loves all the cacti and other cool plants, and me? I just love it all. Yes, the rims are definitely my special place. We would have gotten married up there except for the terrain wouldn't have allowed certain important guests (our grandparents). But its still my favorite!

4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?
Alan only sleeps with us when he's teething or really sick. But I do not have any problem with co-sleeping, we did it until Alan was about four months old. After that point though, Alan became really conscious and proffered sleeping alone in his crib or in his swing. But still to this day, Alan comes to bed with me to snuggle until he falls asleep every night. Then I take him to his bed, were he sleeps through the night. We plan on co-sleeping with our next children too, as long as they want. I don't see the harm in it, as long as it ends before the child turns two.

5. Do you watch late night TV?
Oh yeah I'm a total late night TV watcher. :) My husband works til eleven or later every night but Sundays, so I stay up waiting for him. I watch Adult Swim, Conan, The Late Show with Craig Ferguson, and any movie I can find on tv lol. But its really the only time I get to watch tv and the only time I have to myself. So what can I say lol? :P

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :D


  1. Hi from your newest follower! Enjoyed reading your answers. Would appreciate a follow back at Thanks!

  2. Following you now! :) Love your blog! Have a wonderful weekend! :D

  3. Thanks for the follow. Love reading your blog. Look forward to getting to know you through blogging.

  4. Thanks for the follow! You should post a picture (or several) from the Rims! SOunds lovely!

  5. Thanks yeah I am still new to this stuff but I will definitely take some this weekend, and do my *best* to get them on here. My digital camera has been broken for over a year now, so no luck there. :) But it is deffinitely a beautiful spot. Thanks for the follow also. :)

  6. Hi Jillian,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog: "What's On My Mind". I am following you back from the 5QF Blog Hop.

    You have a wonderful blog, love reading your posts.

    Yes time really goes by quickly after having children in your life, but man isn't it wonderful? I love being a mom above anything else. Although I'm so glad the potty training day are past me. Although I'm sure I'll experience it a little more with my grandchildren.

    If you like blog hops, feel free to link up to my "Motivational Monday Blog Hop"

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend :)


  7. I agree, being a mother is the greatest thing in life! I wouldn't give it up for anything! :D I love motherhood and my son is my everything. He is just so amazingly perfect and it makes everything worth it. <3

    I will definitely be joining your Motivational Monday Blog Hop this upcoming Monday! :) I thorourghly enjoy blog hops lol.

    Hope your weekend is great also! We're going to the park hopefully as soon as my son wakes up from his nap! Yay!

  8. Being a mother is an amazing, rewarding experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

    Thanks so much for stopping by Nap Time Is My Time and following me! I look forward to reading more about you too!


  9. Thanks I look forward to reading more about you also! Have a great Sunday! :D



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