Five Question Friday!!! March 11, 2011

Wow, I totally cannot believe that Friday has come so fast. To me, it seemed like just yesterday it was Monday. I feel like I have no idea were the week has gone. Weird! :) Had quite a bit going on this week too- finished the last of my reception decoration shopping, Alan had his WIC appointment, Alan had his first art class, picked up my wedding dress and took it in for steaming, bought my wedding shoes (they're my something blue!), Alan had his doctor appointment, and I also worked all week. I'm glad that today I can spend it at home with my boys, before going in to the CW with Alan at three. Should be a good day! :D

Also, my heart goes out to all those affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis. <3 How horrible it is to watch the devastation on television, I cannot begin to imagine what its like to be there. I will be praying for everyone affected tonight.

Five Question Friday!!!

1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?
Yes I do, I've actually only dyed my hair once. It was over four years ago and my hair has already fully grown it out. I will. never. dye. my. hair. again. Personal choice lol. My real hair color is a dark brunette. :)

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?
I try to plan at least one big trip each summer (this year Lon and I get to go on our honeymoon yay!) and we always plan to go camping at the Canyon Ferry Lake with my family for the fourth of July. Otherwise, we just live day to day. Life flows better that way I think.

3. What is your favorite meal to cook?
I just LOOOOOOOOOVE to cook spaghetti. Mostly I think its because it results in me eating it lol. But it is the one thing that I will never complain about having to make. Its really easy to cook and just deliciously divine!

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?
I don't get offended about not receiving actual thank you cards, I understand that everyone is busy with their own lives and don't expect them to be as crafty as me lol. But don't get me wrong, I do get offended if I don't get a thank you at all. A verbal thank you and hug will totally suffice but I need something lol. I'm also the type of person who always puts soooo much thought into just about every gift I give someone, so I really love to see people appreciate and enjoy my effort. Its not rude, just old fashioned. :)

5. How did you meet your best friend?
Ah my Jenelle Mehling... <3 We had my first ever college art class together. She seemed to like the same sort of things I did and we sat next to each other, so we started talking after a while. Found out that she knew my cousin Ashley and when I asked how, she told me she was dating her brother Garrett, also my cousin lol. What a small world!! They are no longer together but we're running strong. :) We've been best friends for almost four years now and she's also my maid of honor. I want her to eventually be Alan's godmother, but she's gotta marry first lol. :) So for now, she's Aunt J. <3 But I love her like a sister and I know she will always be in my family's life. Thank goodness! :)


  1. Greetings!!! I'm hoping over from Five Question friday. I completely agree with a thank you and hug. The full blown card or something of the sort is unnecessary. Following also! Have a great weekend!

  2. Hello and thanks for following me! Hope your weekend is great also! :D


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