Spring Came Back to Us!

At least for now lol. :) Not too much has been happening in our neck of the woods, Alan has been excelling again at potty training and Anna wants to stand by herself. We have been staying home and enjoying the nice weather outside. Yesterday we went out maybe three times! It was so beautiful out! Alan is convinced that the family of bunnies that we share our yard with is the Easter Bunnie's family so he has been harrassing the poor guys a lot more lately lol. I will have to make a point to pick them up some goodies at the store next time to make it up to them. We went to a playdate at my friend Kelsie's house today. Chelsea came with her two girls also. We all played outside with the kids, even though it looked like it might rain. We got lucky and it didn't though, so we were able to sit with the babies and talk some. Kelsie's son Karter is already so big! :) He is only a month old and is already 10 pounds! What a cutie! Great Grandma Joyce and Great Grandpa Floyd cam...