Gymnastics, Birthday Parties and More Car Troubles

Life has really been trying hard to be rough on us lately and we just keep fighting it, tooth and nail! No matter what karma tries to throw at us, we stay strong together! :) My car tried to break down on us yesterday, just hours after we got it back from the mechanics. Grrr, it was the darn antifreeze cap but it scared the bajesus out of me and was successful in making us late to Alan's make up gymnastics class. Le sigh, I bet the gymnastics secretary thinks I am nut-so, I schedule make up classes for when he is sick and can't even make them on time! Like I said, life is determined to bring us down. :) But I am just as determined!
We made it to class just after warm up, so Alan got a good half hour in. He is doing so good now too! That boy can do forward and backward rolls, donkey kicks and can walk his feet up the wall! I love watching him interact with his little friends too! I wish I could watch him more! :)
Last night was also one of Alan and Anna's friend's first birthday party. They had it at a pizzeria, one we had never been to before. Due to the make up gymnastics class, we were a little late. But it was so nice seeing Colton and all the boys, especially the birthday boy. He and Anna sat together in high chairs and played with balloons FOREVER lol! Alan had fun running around with Colton, I was afraid that we were going to get kicked out they were so loud lol! But they had fun.
My blogging app will only allow me to post pictures at the end, so here ya go: The first photo is of us stranded with the car yesterday and the last two are from the birthday party. :) Enjoy!


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