Human Milk for Gemma

You may remember earlier last week when I mentioned my friend's passing? Kristen was very involved in the breast feeding group and believed that breast milk was best for her daughter. Her daughter was exclusively breast fed up until her mother's passing. Well, the breast feeding group that we both belonged to rallied together shortly afterwards to get breastmilk shipped to Kristen's daughter Gemma. I kid you not, the morning after Kristen's death there was only talk of donations of milk and money on our group's page. By her funeral, the first stock of breast milk was delivered and the storage space was scouted.

And for good reason too. After suffering the death of her mother, sweet Miss Gemma tried formula and reacted so negatively to it. She devloped a rash even! Formula instantly was OUT OF THE QUESTION.

Thankfully, it was just miraculous how many mothers stepped forward. I so wanted to, but did not have any milk to donate. So I helped with the shipping fees. We slowly all realized how MUCH this would cost, and at a consistent rate too. Because I mean, Gemma would need milk several times a day.
Shipping with dried ice (to refridgerate the milk) and on UPS roughly costs around $100 for each 320 ounces sent. We brain stormed and brain stormed for better transportation ideas, but quickly realized this was a neccessary evil. So another mama in the group set up a donation fundraiser.

Almost everyone shared the fundraiser and before we knew it, they had raised over $1600! That was little to nothing close to the amount that they would need over the next four months but it was a brilliant start!

The fundraiser Breastmilk for Gemma slowly became more well known. Even an from Kristen's area was written about it! The more media and help, the better. This family deserves all the support they can get at this time! Especially Miss Gemma!

I could never imagine losing my husband at such a young age, let alone passing away myself from an anuerysm! Eight months old is much to young to lose a parent, babies definitely still need their mothers! I will continue to support this family and pray for them.

If you can help with the shipping costs, click here. If not, it does not mean that you still cannot help this family. Share their story to people you know! Spread the word so this family and send them well thoughts! They need as much love as they can get!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend with their loved ones. Remember to cherish every moment with them, you never know when they will no longer be with you. 


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