In Regards to Lon

Today is a busy one for us. I have a ton of errands to do before Alan's make up gymnastics class. Then we have a birthday party for one of Alan and Anna's friends. We are so excited he is one!!!! :D
Last week was quite scary for my family. March 8th, Lon was involved in a car accident and then had a tooth pulled later that afternoon. The rest of that weekend, he was quite ill. Feverish, not able to eat anything, delirious and in a decent amount of pain. He was on some pain killers but they only seemed to make his stomach hurt. By Monday, I was worried about him. He had lost a decent amount of weight, and the fevers had not subsided without lots of medication. Tuesday passed and Wednesday, I decided that he needed to go in somewhere.

My car was not working, so Lon's brother and his fiance took him to the Walk In Clinic for me. Lon was immeadiately sent to the Emergency Room. His fever was in the 100s and he could barely walk at that point. Sam told me she couldn't believe how fast he had deteriorated. :(

At first, the doctors thought it was a blood infection. They tested him and started treatment right away. He was IVed and almost kept overnight. Needless to say, I was terribly distraught at dance class. It was our Thriller performance, and my students performed it beautifully but my mind was elsewhere.
The doctors sent Lon home for the night, and he went back in early that next morning. He had been puking up blood and had other symptoms of a stomach bleed. Once again, I stayed home with the children while Lon's mother took him in. I have been ever so grateful for Lon's family and all their help this past week! Thank you all so much!

It was discovered that Lon in fact had an ulcer in his stomach, and not a blood infection or stomach bleed. He was tested and IVed again, then sent home with a new set of medication. I am glad to say that we have not been back in since! The medications are working and Lon slowly is getting better! Yesterday was his first day back at work.

I do not have all good news, unfortunately. Last week, the online breastfeeding community that I belong to lost a dear mama to an anyrism. Her baby girl is the same age as Anna too. :( Our community has been absolutely devastated by this loss, we mourn along with her family and friends. There has been a big positive movement for her daughter though. A lot of the mamas who can spare breast milk are donating it to her daughter, in hopes that she can meet her year goal of breastmilk.

This has really opened my eyes to some things. My hsuband was in the hospital around the same time she was. And I know this is totally silly sounding, but HE came home and she did not. I feel very connected to this family and compelled to do something special for them. Because I could never imagine losing Lon. And there was a time last week were we truly thought that we might. My friend and her family were not so lucky. Rest in piece, my friend. You were a fantastic mother and will be missed by many.

To Lon, I love you so much. I would be so lost without you in my life. You are my rock and our everything. The kids and I love you endlessly. We are so glad you are feeling better!


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