What I'm Loving Wednesday! March 20, 2013

There are a few things that I am loving today and though I have yet to figure out how to link up on this app, I will still do a WILW post. Because especially right now, I need to be focusing on all the POSITIVE instead of all the crazy negative stuff that keeps happening to us. Here you go, wonderful readers! Enjoy!

I'm loving... that I will be getting our family's new camera today! Its a Nikon Cool Pix (I just LOOOOOOVE Nikon) with waterproof capabilities! Very cool! I can't wait to try it out!

I'm loving... all the new apps I got on my phone this week: Angry Birds, Blogger, Skype, and Instagram. I love my smart phone!

I'm loving... the inspiration that has come flooding into my body after this weekend at Spotlight Dance Competition. I love watching other choreographers' work! It really gets my creative juices flowing having that connection with fellow teachers! Gah, I could go on and on about it lol!

I'm loving... this new book I bought off of Kindle. Its called Childhood's End and its a sci-fi novel written around the time of the big Space Race (1950s). I am about a fourth of the way in and I'm addicted!

I'm loving... how much fun we had last night at Baby K's birthday party! He is such a sweetie and his family is just as awesome. We love you guys so much! Thanks for having us!

I'm loving... that I get to start planning for Aunt Natalie's Billings baby shower! She will also be having one for her college lol but I am in charge of this one! It will most likely be on or around her birthday lol, so perfect! We have yet to decide a theme yet but I can't wait! I love party planning!

I'm loving... that Saint Patty's Day this year marked Lon and I's third year anniversary of being married by common law lol. We didn't do anything but it will always be a special day for me. It was the day we also REALLY started thinking about marriage. Love you Lon!

I'm loving... that its starting to look like spring out! And with less than two weeks until Easter, it had better be lol! I like winter as much as the next Montanan but when its springtime, I want it to be spring!

I'm loving... these adorable quilts Great Grandma Marcia got for the kids! They are a late Christmas present but we love them! I love how soft and snuggly they are, and each one fits my kids perfectly! I will try to post a pic of them soon. They are in the wash currently lol.

I'm loving... that the Hobbit came out on DVD yesterday! Since we heard about a movie in the makings, Lon and I have been saving up. Lon picked it up on the way home from work MONDAY night and we watched it right away! We are huge LOTR fans and let me tell you, the Hobbit rocked! I can't pick a favorite yet, the LOTR series or the Hobbit but its definitely close! We cannot wait for the next one now lol! :D

I'm loving... as always, my amazingly wonderful family and my great life!

What are you loving today?


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