Month in Review: February 2013

We had a pretty decent February this year, not too much snow and just enough things to keep us busy on the weekends. Not to mention that we found out some very exciting news about Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake's baby! Check out what happened to us this month!

We celebrated Valentine's Day this month at a little party for Alan and his friends at the local coffee shop. It went really well, even better than last time, especially because Alan was feeling much better! February also meant CHD Awareness Week just before Valentine's Day, I did not write my own posts for the week but I did link up with CHD parents. Here are the four posts I wrote: #1, #2, #3, and #4. Anna also turned seven months old, and discovered her voice. Needless to say, our house is NEVER quiet anymore lol. :) But I would not have it any other way!

I took Alan on a Mama and Son Date to the Family Life Expo. Then we celebrated Super Bowl with both of our families, and I suceeded in not watching any of the game once again lol. The big old slide at Pioneer Park was removed, which made this Mama very sad face. Alan too, I guess lol! :P Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake came to town for the weekend, we went out to dinner and to the Reef Waterpark. It was a ton of fun! The kids got sick again, ugh! Both of them caught brochilitis and got ear infections at the same time. No fun at all! My sister April and my mom surprised me and took me to the Ballet! How wonderful! I loved it so much! Alan almost broke his finger being a wild man with his father. What else is new, these boys! :/ Alan had his first gymnastics showcase ever! He did so well! We are so proud of the little man! And we found out that Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake are going to be having a baby boy!

I wrote about a lot of different things this month, several that all had the same theme. I pondered feeling beautiful in a world full of beauty. I shared some of the ways that I use blogging for therapy as well. I shared eleven things about me, a blog hop I found from another blogging mama. Similar to my earlier post about being beautiful, I discussed what it feels like trying to be perfect in this day and age. On a lighter note, I wrote about living in the third best place in the US to raise a family. Yes lol! I knew there was a reason we never moved!

So many things I wrote about this last month, and so many more things up ahead of me. Some things I hope to see for my family for March 2013: moving to a new house, Anna starting to crawl, celebrating Easter with our families, seeing Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake again, helping out my friend Kelsie with her new baby Karter, the Thriller performance for my hip hop students and much more fun things!

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