Aunt Ariel's Care Package

About a month ago, Lon's parent's house went under quarentine from our family, so to speak. Uncle Chase had somehow gotten shingles and was suffering considerably. Poor guy! Since neither of the kids have had chicken pox nor have they finished their vaccinations for it (well maybe Alan at this point, but definitely not Anna), we did not want to risk it anyways. Well sure enough, Aunt Ariel eventually caught chicken pox from her older brother, only a few days after Uncle Chase had started to feel better too! How unfortunate! :/  Needless to say, we really miss everyone over there and feel really bad that they all are uncomfortable and bored lol.

Aunt Ariel obviously cannot go to school and she is a very active and social girl, this has hit her the hardest. She misses school, misses her friends, and is so bored! Poor girl, I can totally relate. We all decided to make her a little care package to help bring her spirits up and give her some stuff to do until she feels better.

Some of the things included:

Two movies (technically four with the triple Ernest feature lol)
Some yummy candy to enjoy because hey, its not like she's throwing up or nothing :P
Two different bracelet makers
A bunch of stuff to make the COOLEST personalized visor eva!!!!!!!
Some lotion and nail polish, because she is a teenage girl ya know! :)
We spent maybe around thirty to forty dollars but we had a lot of fun with it lol. You could potentially do this for anything and spend as little as $10. Just shop at the Dollar Tree! I love that place! :) What kind of things would you put in your care package?

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