Five Question Friday! February 24, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! Today is another quite busy day for Alan and I. We are meeting Kelsie and Kelton at the YMCA for Open Kids Gym again, and then we are looking at several potential rentals later with Lon. This weekend I also have my old coworker Apryl's baby shower. Pretty fun weekend!

Here's this week's Five Question Friday!

What's your favorite way to spend down time (alone or with a significant other)?
I like to read, meditate, stretch, do yoga or pilates, draw, blog or scrapbook.

Are you the kind of person that wants things more as soon as you know you can't have it?
No not at all. I am a Buddhist, so I am not materialistic and have trained myself to not desire items. I only desire peace, positive energy and love.

If you were given $1000 to spend on yourself, what would you buy?
I honestly wouldn't no what to spend it on, if I had to spend it all on myself. Now if I could spend it on my family, the things would be endless. Stuff for Baby, a toddler bed for Alan, maybe something for Lon and I's cars.

Maybe something like this for him...


Practical things though. :)

Do you ever go out to eat by yourself?
No that would be weird lol. I don't even think I have ever had the chance to go out to eat by myself. I always have Alan or Lon with me, or both. But I think it would be awkward going out alone. I would just sit there and not know what to do lol. :P I need to socialize!

What company would you want to do a blog review for?
Erm, maybe Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula for Stretch Marks or the Moby Wrap. I would of course have to wait until Baby came before I tested the Moby Wrap, but it is one of my must haves for this baby so! :)

Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula for Stretch Marks


Moby Baby Wraps


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I am pretty excited to spend time with my family this weekend, we should have a fantastic one! As usual. :D Tune in on Monday for the Our Weekend Adventures Post! And remember, Tuesday is Baby Gender Day so I will be posting the gender on here next Wednesday. Exciting things to come! :) If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. Thanks!

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