Valentine's Day 2012

Yesterday was of course Valentine's Day. I am somewhat particular about Valentine's Day, I don't believe that it just for lovers anymore. I believe that Valentine's Day is a day for you to share your love with everyone that you love! :) This is how I've celebrated my last three Valentine's Days and I honestly wouldn't want it any other way lol. This year was no different. Unfortunately, Valentine's morning wasn't too fun for me. I woke up around four in the morning with morning sickness, which continued until about eleven. Ugh, not fun at all.

You know the alien movie The Thing??? The alien cell that took over your body and imitated your cells? Please tell me you've seen the old or new version so I don't feel like a total Sci-Fi nerd lol! Well, yesterday morning I felt like an "infected" person right before the alien cells explode through their body to attack its next victim. Yeah, fabulous lol. :P

Lon had to work from 8 to 2 today, but he was still a total sweetheart though, and surprised me by surrounding me in my gifts from him. So I woke up to potted flowers, chocolate, and a brand new LAPTOP!! :D Thanks babe! Made me feel quite a bit better. :) As soon as I felt fully human again, Alan and I ran to the grocery store to buy some cupcakes for his daycare. I had originally wanted to make cupcakes for everyone, but being pregnant, this made it virtually impossible lol. So I gave in and bought some at the store's bakery. Someone baked them right? Do you think I can get away with saying I did???? Lmao, totally just joking!

Then we came back home and finished up the last of Alan's cards. He still technically has another year until we have to do classroom Valentine's so this year I just asked him who he wanted to make a card for. And boy did I just love the responses! :P

A few of my favorite answers: 
Buster (Grandma Amber's dog lol)
Korbin (His BFF who lives in Washington, awwww!)
Finn McMissle
Doctor Wazowski (His pediatrician, Dr. Muznoyski. Don't you love how he says her name?)
Bear N Mouse (from Bear in the Big Blue House)

Thankfully, I did get some normal easier to deliver recipients as well. Like the baby in my belly (sooooo sweet), Grandma Melanie, Aunt Ariel, his cousins Connor and Sophie, and Daddy. But man, did I have fun making the wild ones! And I have yet to figure out where to mail the cards addressed to Mater, Elmo, Finn and Bear N Mouse but who knows, those might just go in Alan's scrapbook lol! They were too much fun and too adorable!

Then we went to Child Watch. All of Alan's favorite staff members were working, as well as several of Alan's friends. In addition to the cupcakes we brought, there was cookies, candies and another dozen of cupcakes. Alan played for a while and once he had finished his afternoon snack, he was given one of our red cupcakes to eat.

I took off his shirt, because obviously white shirts don't mix with red dye. ;)

And he starts to chow down!

All done now Mom! And look at my smile!

Once he was cleaned and re-clothed, we sent him back out to play with his friends that had also finished. He played cars, bouncy balls, stations, coloring and games with them until my mother came to pick him up at six. What a good little Valentine's Day he had at school!

After I got off of work, Lon surprised me (for the second time lol) and took me out to dinner. He had arranged with my mother to watch Alan for a little bit longer than normal, so that we could do a real date. :D What a sweetheart! We aren't normally too fancy of restaurant eaters lol, so when he let me pick where to eat I chose Red Robin. :P Thankfully I had to work until eight, so by the time we got there it was slow. We only had to wait maybe five seconds to be seated and received our drinks right away. Of course, I ordered the freckled strawberry lemonade. My absolute favorite! Yum! Our food didn't take too long either, which was awesome because I was pretty much starving at this point lol. I ordered the Southwestern Chicken Pasta and even though it was darn spicy, it was delicious! I had a great time on my date with my sweet hubby and it was an awesome way to end my Valentine's Day!

How was your Valentine's Day?


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