Its a...

Happy Leap Day everyone! Today is an uneventful day for this family, Lon and I both work so we don't have anything really planned. Alan and I did some more cleaning and organizing (I reluctantly got rid of all of Alan's baby clothes, won't have use for those) but other than that, nothing exciting.

However, I DO have some exciting news for you, my dear blog readers. :D

Profile shot of baby

Yesterday at one, we had my ultrasound appointment. Lon, Alan and I all went together. Let me tell you, it was quite the adventure having a toddler come to an appointment like that with you lol. He was a handful! He was interested in the ultrasound at first, then wanted to run around the room and play the rest of the time. Thankfully, he fell asleep on Lon halfway through the appointment.

Baby's Face

I had two technicians who did my ultrasound and then the doctor who checked me out afterwards. I guess the first was there to gather all the information on Baby and the second was there to show me all the fun photos and that good stuff, but no one told me this lol. So when the first technician took forever looking at Baby's heart, I got anxious. But after cautiously asking her, I was reassured that Baby's heart looked perfectly healthy and she was only following her routine checklist. *Huge sigh* She told me that everything looked developmentally great and Baby was measuring right where it should be. Yay! Then it was time for the fun part.

Little baby feet!

The second technician took her turn and started showing us Baby's face, little arms and legs, and the feet. She also took a few 4D photos of Baby for us. Looking at them, I think that Baby will look a lot like Lon, just like Alan does. :) She then asked the special question of the day, "Do you want to know the sex of Baby?"

4D Photo

We answered with an excited "YES!" and she told us the news.

Another profile shot of Baby

Can you handle the suspense yet lol??? We are having...

A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are very shocked but extremely excited! I haven't stopped smiling since we got the news. :) Alan is confused (he is still calling her brother lol) but happy as well. I showed him the pictures again last night and he keeps talking about them. "Baby pictures? Baby Belly pictures, Mommy?"

And Lon, my husband who so badly wanted another son, is surprisingly on cloud 9 lol. He is very happy to have his own baby girl to spoil and protect, and has already picked out her name. But that is for another post lol. :)

So, how many of you were right? When I had last tallied my votes, both boy and girl were pretty evenly matched. I am honestly still in shock. I thought this baby was going to be a boy and we would try for our girl with Baby #3, but I was blessed with my beautiful future ballerina now! :D Oh I can't wait to meet her! Hurry up, last 20 weeks of pregnancy lol!

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