Our Weekend Adventures

Happy Monday everyone!

I am in a great mood today! Lon works from 8 to 2, so Alan and I cleaned the house some (Alan helped me with his toys mostly). Then I work in Child Watch from 4 to 8. I am very excited for tomorrow, when we have our twenty week ultrasound and find out the gender of Baby Andersen #2! :D We can't wait! We had a somewhat busy weekend. Saturday morning was mostly uneventful, as poor Lon was really sick. That afternoon, I had to host a birthday party at the YMCA and then we had a dinner with my parent's and grandparents.

We went over there around 6. Lon stayed home because he still was feeling sick and didn't want to get my grandparents sick with anything. Alan and I hadn't seen my grandparents since we told them about the pregnancy on Christmas Eve so we were pretty excited. As soon as Great Grandpa Louie sat down, Alan was in his lap, showing him just about every toy he had in the house lol. Then he went over and told Great Grandma Marcia a bunch of stories and even counted to sixteen for her! She was quite proud.

For dinner, my parents made ribs with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, baked beans, and coleslaw on the side. It was absolutely delicious! The meat just fell of the ribs and I just kept eating and eating lol. :P Unfortunately, the Mr. Picky Pants Alan Man didn't touch a single bite. :( So we made him and peanut butter and jelly sandwich lol. Oh well, you can't always win! :) For dessert we had chocolate ice cream and Snickers cream cake. Total yum! Alan sure liked that part lol, he ate half of Great Grandpa Louie's as well as his and mine! Little piggy!

We had a great time having dinner with my family. My grandma was very excited to find out the gender tomorrow and is convinced I am having a girl lol. We will see. :P Then Sunday came morning came and I made the boys waffles and scrambled eggs (I know and with my food aversion to eggs), which we had oranges, strawberries and bananas with. Alan thankfully had no problem eating this meal, he had seconds! We watched several movies together until it was time for Alan and I to get ready for Apryl's baby shower.

Apryl's baby shower was quite fun, even though Alan was the only kid/boy there lol. We were a little late because I got lost, but I found a park to take Alan to afterwards as a treat for behaving at the shower. Apryl was so happy to see us and she thought Alan was adorable, even though he was too shy to talk to her. I think he was also a little confused because she has the same name as Aunt April. When I told him that Apryl has a baby in her belly, he gave me a weird look and said, "No mama. Aunt April no baby in belly!" So that took a while to explain lol. :P

We played two games at the shower. A game where you guess how many baby bottles are in a container (108, I guessed 28 lol. Fail!) and another game where you finish the nursery rhymes the fastest to win (with this one, I had to keep chasing Alan around so I only got 4 out of 10 lol). But they were really fun anyways. The baby shower host noticed I was having issues entertaining the little wild monkey lol, so she offered me several things: a few balloons for Alan to play with and a "puppy dog" bowl, as Alan called it, with snacks. She was my life-saver lol!

Alan playing with the balloon (I love the reflection caught in this pic!)

Eating like a puppy out of his bowl lol

After the games, we had cake. Alan loved the cake, of course lol, he ate his whole slice and half of mine! He then went over to Miss Apryl herself and started propositioning her for some bites! What a little piggy lol! Apryl found it just hilarious and adorable, I was glad she was such a good sport. :) Once we had finished cake, Apryl started opening her massive amount of gifts.

I was a little apprehensive about this and not sure how Alan would react. The last time he watched someone open presents (Christmas Day), he threw a huge fit because he couldn't help and they weren't his. We had had a discussion about it in the car, me basically telling him about Apryl's special day and how Alan wouldn't even want the gifts that she had because they were for babies and he was a big boy. But sure enough, he hovered and stood right next to her for most of the presents and he DIDN'T fuss or try and open anything. I was very proud of him! :) However, he quickly realized what I was talking about in the car and got bored with watching presents. He started trying to explore the community center again. So I pulled out his cars and got him interested in the fake plant next to me. And he sat there, playing, while Apryl finished opening her gifts.

Alan's new buddy: the Fake Plant :)

After the presents, I got a chance to sit down with Apryl and chat with her some. It had been quite a while since I had talked to her and even longer since I had actually seen her! I worked with Apryl when I was pregnant with Alan, almost three years ago lol! It was nice catching up. :) Then Alan discovered one of the helium balloons and he started walking it around like a puppy. Everyone thought he was so cute and funny, they were all laughing and talking about him. He accidentally walked the balloon into a ceiling fan and that scared him real bad, so he spent the rest of his time with the balloon keeping it low to the ground lol. :P

The center of attention, as usual lol

Then it was time to go. Alan had behaved well enough, so I took him to run around at the park for a few minutes. We got there and all the playground equipment was for bigger kids! What a disappointment! :( I kept him busy anyways by having him chase me all around the park. Let me tell you, I think it was more exhausting for me than him lol! But thankfully it did the job and he fell asleep on the ride home.

I left Alan at home to nap with Lon, and then met up with my family at the mall to do some shopping. I finally did it! I bought some maternity clothes lol! I had been in denial about my expanding belly all last week until Friday when I couldn't fit my regular jeans on. So yesterday, I bought two pairs of pants and two cute dressy shirts for this pregnancy. Haven't worn them yet though lol. :P

Once Alan had woken up from his nap, we went out to dinner with my family at Dos Machos. It was the perfect way to close a great family weekend together! :)

Tomorrow is Baby Gender Day, but you fine blog readers won't find out until Wednesday. So tune in tomorrow for this week's Pregnancy Post and place your guesses on the gender!


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