The Pregnancy Post: Week by Week! Week 20

Halfway there! Waaaaaaaahooooooooo!!!! :D I honestly cannot believe that it has gone by so fast, it seems like just the other day I got that positive test. And now we only have 20 more weeks (if we go full term, which I believe we will) until we meet our little one! :D

Today is also an exciting day for my pregnancy and my family. We have my twenty week ultrasound scheduled at one, and we will be finding out the gender!!!!!! We are hoping for a boy, but will be elated as long as baby is healthy. I just can't wait to find out! I am ready to start buying gender specific things! You, my wonderful readers, will find out tomorrow asap! But for now, comment on this post what you think we are having. Boy or girl?????

Here's my 20 week post!


How far along: 20 weeks and 2 days

Size of Baby: 10 1/2 ounces and 6 1/2 inches long or the size of a can of Red Bull

Developments of Baby: Baby's organs are adjusting to their correct placements. Kidneys have developed to look like their normal "bean" shape. Teeth are beginning to appear in the gums and Baby now practices swallowing. They now have a consistent sleep and rise pattern, and may even have already found their favorite sleeping position. Baby's main focus now is gaining weight! 

Weight Gain: A total of thirteen pounds

Belly Button In or Out: Still in, thank goodness :)

Maternity Clothes: I broke down this weekend and bought some, but have yet to actually wear them! I'm sure it'll happen before the end of this week though, I only can find one pair of non-maternity pants that I can wear lol!

Morning Sickness: Had terrible morning sickness the other morning, but the night before we had mexican so. Most of the time, as long as I get in my Vitamin B6 pill before I get sick then I am good.

Stretch Marks: Still only the few that I found the other week.

Gender: We find out today!!! Any guesses???? :D

Movement: Tons of movement in the morning and night. I think Baby sleeps in the afternoon and early morning, because the rest of the time he/she is kicking up a storm! Very active, just like their big brother! 

Sleep: Sleep is still a joke. Starting to think that I won't get a break before Baby comes. Oh well, I'll be used to the sleep deprivation by then! Positive thinking lol! :) 

Best Moment This Week: Finding out Baby's gender and seeing Baby for the first time ever!!!

What I miss: Being able to eat spicy food, I could do it when I was pregnant with Alan. Why not with this one? Poo!

Food Cravings: Salmon, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, pizza, Laffy Taffy, tacos, Cool Ranch Doritios, Starburst, Skittles, Snickers, chocolate, cake lol, tator tots, chai tea, milkshakes, Salt and Vinegar chips, grilled cheese sandwiches, and definitely lasanga lol!

Food Aversions: Eggs, my husband's AWFUL beef jerkeys, salad or lettuce in general, spicy or Mexican food and raw meat. Yuck to the extreme!

Symptoms: Morning sickness, feeling weak or light-headed, round ligament pain, all around exhaustion, the need to pee ALL the time lol, out of breath easily, food aversions and nausea, major forgetfulness, odd dreams, heightened sense of smell, lower back pains, cluster headaches, leg and butt cramps, overly emotional at times (gotta love pregnancy hormones!)

What I’m looking forward to: Finding out the gender at one!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! :D

What I'm not looking forward to: Still the Glucose test. My midwife gave me a month for it finally, ugh. :( Its in April. No likey!

Here are my belly pics for this week. I am expanding more and more each day! Thanks to my workout schedule it just seems to be in the belly area, yes! But now people are noticing on their own! Big milestone for me there lol (I'm not normally one to just yell it from the rooftops lol, most people have to ask so now that they notice it'll be easier)!

20 weeks and 1 day

So now here's the fun part: everyone comment and tell me what you think...

Boy or Girl???????


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