Alan's Open Kids Gym Adventure

I figured I would take a tiny break from CHD Awareness Week and post about the happenings of my family, since I realized I haven't done too much of that this week lol. Oops! :) We are all doing good. Lon was given more hours this week, which is a total blessing for our family. This means that I can cut back on my hours and take a little break. This pregnant mama is happy! :) Alan is doing good, going stir crazy with the weather. It keeps changing from really nice to snowy. Ugh. This morning, Alan was especially rowdy. I dunno if it was because of the newly fallen snow, or the fact that he knew he had a play date scheduled with his buddy Kelton and mommy Kelsie. But from the moment he woke up, he was jumping and climbing and hollering and dancing lol. Wild man. :)

We met up with Kelsie, Keith and Kelton at the YMCA around eleven. The YMCA has Open Kids Gym for members and non-members every Friday from 9:30 to noon. Open Kids Gym is the coolest place for kids under five to come play. They set up an obstacle course and a zip line and have a ton of fun exercise toys for the kiddos. Alan loved it. :)

Alan in a foam circle at Open Kids Gym

Kelton was surprisingly shy when we first arrived, but Alan took off immediately. Alan has been to Open Kids Gym several times now, so he knows the drill. He started climbing the mats and running all over the gym. Kelton opened up more and started playing with balls, then Alan showed him the cool tents. Before we knew it, Kelton was exploring the gym as much as Alan was. :)

Alan in one of the tents

Neither of the boys would do the zip line however, but they were both very intrigued by it. They would watch the kids grab one, and then run the whole length of the zip line with them lol. It was silly. Alan and I started playing balloon games, which he really got into. And boy is my little guy coordinated! He can bop the balloon better than some preschoolers I know! You'd think I would be able to get a pic of him doing it, but nope. :)

Alan waving his balloon, I think it looks cool blurred like this!

He kept making me nervous too. He'd climb up onto the foam mats and jump onto the hard ground, ugggh made me grit my teeth. He also was into climbing over or around kiddos and placing himself in not the safest positions. I can't tell you how many times I thought he was going to fall lol! He at least had fun though. :P

Bouncing on the big mat

Kelton and Alan would not stay together for the life of us lol! Kelsie and I hardly spoke two words to each other the whole time because Alan was at one end and Kelton would be at the other end lol. But Alan made friends with a few other boys, and was pretty content crawling and exploring by himself. But he was back and forth and all over the play, I got so exhausted following him around. At one point, I know that he was avoiding me on purpose because he kept giggling and running when I got to close. Little turkey. :P

Overall though, the boys had a blast together

I am beat from chasing him around and yet, he is STILL running around with energy. Ugh, so much for exhausting him lol. Guess we are going to Grandma's house tonight to do the trick. :) Tune in tomorrow for my Traveling Red Dress update and Monday for the continuation of CHD Awareness Week. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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