CHD Awareness Week Day Four: Joshua's Tale
Today is the fourth day of CHD Awareness Week. For our fourth day, I will feature Miss Jill and her beloved son Joshua @ The Real Life of a Red Head.

I first began reading Jill's blog October 2010, almost a year and a half ago. I have been very invested in reading this blog and I care so much about Jill and her family. Jill has four children total: Caleb, Hannah, Joshua and Luke. Joshua had CHD, specifically a type called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: A type of Congenital Heart Defect that refers to when the whole left half of the heart (including the aorta , aortic valve, left ventricle and mitral valve) is underdeveloped.

I will only share with you a short history of Joshua and his family because I want you to check out Jill's blog yourself. Jill has been through a lot with Joshua and since and the more people who read her story and support her, the better. Please check her out!
Jill had a rough pregnancy with Joshua. At 11 weeks gestation, she was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage and was told that she would most likely miscarry by 18 weeks. She miraculously did not, and made it to her 18 week gender ultrasound. She found out she was having a boy, but the surprise was soon clouded when the technician couldn't get a good view of the left side of Joshua's heart. After showing the ultrasounds to Jill's OBGYN, she was sent to a fetal/pediatric cardiologist. At 22 weeks gestation, Joshua was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Jill and her family only had so much time to prepare, Joshua was born a few months later on August 16, 2010. Joshua had his first surgery, known as the Norwood, when he was only three days old on August 19, 2010. His second surgery, a shunt revision, took place September 27, 2010. Despite everything the doctors and his parent's did for him, Joshua earned his angel wings October 6, 2010.
Jill and her family have been through a roller coaster of trials and tribulations in the past few years. I respect her and think that she is incredibly strong for going through what she did and still being there for her children. I greatly admire her and wish her family nothing but peace and happiness. Please take the time to check out her blog and show her some support!
Of course another reminder to check out the CHD Awareness fun on Pinterest!

I first began reading Jill's blog October 2010, almost a year and a half ago. I have been very invested in reading this blog and I care so much about Jill and her family. Jill has four children total: Caleb, Hannah, Joshua and Luke. Joshua had CHD, specifically a type called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: A type of Congenital Heart Defect that refers to when the whole left half of the heart (including the aorta , aortic valve, left ventricle and mitral valve) is underdeveloped.
I will only share with you a short history of Joshua and his family because I want you to check out Jill's blog yourself. Jill has been through a lot with Joshua and since and the more people who read her story and support her, the better. Please check her out!
Jill had a rough pregnancy with Joshua. At 11 weeks gestation, she was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage and was told that she would most likely miscarry by 18 weeks. She miraculously did not, and made it to her 18 week gender ultrasound. She found out she was having a boy, but the surprise was soon clouded when the technician couldn't get a good view of the left side of Joshua's heart. After showing the ultrasounds to Jill's OBGYN, she was sent to a fetal/pediatric cardiologist. At 22 weeks gestation, Joshua was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Jill and her family only had so much time to prepare, Joshua was born a few months later on August 16, 2010. Joshua had his first surgery, known as the Norwood, when he was only three days old on August 19, 2010. His second surgery, a shunt revision, took place September 27, 2010. Despite everything the doctors and his parent's did for him, Joshua earned his angel wings October 6, 2010.
Jill and her family have been through a roller coaster of trials and tribulations in the past few years. I respect her and think that she is incredibly strong for going through what she did and still being there for her children. I greatly admire her and wish her family nothing but peace and happiness. Please take the time to check out her blog and show her some support!
Of course another reminder to check out the CHD Awareness fun on Pinterest!
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