Sophie's Second Birthday and the Monster Truck Rally

Saturday was a busy day for us. I had to work in the morning and was Sophie's second birthday party plus the monster truck rally later that night. It was a hot one, but thankfully Sophie's party was the wading pool at Pioneer Park. Alan, Grandma Melanie and Uncle Kalvin went swimming in the pool while I was able to catch up with my grandparents and cousins. It was nice to see my cousin Ashley and Julie again, it had been since Christmas that I had last seen them! Alan and Kalvin had a blast playing with their GI Joes and boats in the pool and though they were kinda far away from me, I got some cute pictures of them.

After swimming for a bit, the boys dried off and had dinner. Ashley's husband Cody barbecued so Alan enjoyed a yummy hot dog and some Cheetos, which he shared with Sophie. :) Then it was time for cake and ice cream. Oddly enough, Alan didn't want his piece of cake so I had to have two lol. Oh well, Anna didn't mind. :) We sat next to Great Grandma Carol and Great Grandpa Floyd, who Alan was surprisingly not afraid of lol. He hardly ever sees them and usually is uneasy around them at first, but this time he was jabbering at them like it was nothing! I was very proud of him.

Then it was time to watch Sophie open her presents. Alan and I had gotten her some crayons, a Pooh Bear coloring book and some flash cards. She also got a tricycle with a handle on the back (wish Alan had one on his lol) which she rode all over the park. Alan wasn't too interested in the bike or her and instead went to go play on the playground with Grandma and Uncle Kalvin. He went down this big windy slide like six times too! I have never let him go on it before, and was a little anxious when Grandma first let him but now he's a pro at it! Good job big boy!

We left and went to the monster truck races after that. Uncle Kalvin brought his friend Gabe with and the three boys were pretty much stuck together at the hips for the rest of the night. Alan didn't like how loud the monster trucks were but we bought him some ear muffs and he was set. He loved cheering with the crowd and dancing whenever the other two boys danced. There were maybe five monster trucks total, Alan's favorite being the blue one called Big Foot. It was fun to watch them drive over the junker cars and jump off of them.

The funniest thing about the whole day though was that as it got darker out, Alan laid down on Grandma's lap and fell asleep! DURING the monster truck rally lol! You know you're a redneck when your toddler can fall asleep with loud monster trucks driving around! How crazy is that??? :)


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