The Pregnancy Post:Week by Week! Week 35 *With Midwife Appointment Update*

Today I had my midwife appointment. Its my first weekly appointment and I thought I was going to have to get my Group Strep B test, but was informed it would be next week. I still haven't gained any weight and Anna's measurements indicate that she hasn't grown in the last two weeks, so I was scheduled an ultrasound for Friday to check her growth. My midwife today, Joanne, wasn't too worried about it though because when she checked to see if Anna was head down, she commented on how low she was. Her theory is that Anna is just already in laboring position. The ultrasound will confirm this though. Everything else looked good as well. Yay!

We also got Alan his big boy bed today! My mom picked out a cute sleigh style toddler bed that looks perfect for our big boy! Alan loves it too lol, he is already ready to sleep in it. We should be setting it up sometime this weekend when we set up the rest of Anna's stuff. Pictures to come!!! :D

How far along: 35 weeks and 3 days

Size of Baby: 6 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long or the size of a honeydew melon

Developments of Baby: Baby girl will continue to put on weight in preparation for delivery, about an ounce a week now. Most of her basic developments are complete, except for her brain. That continues well after delivery.

Weight Gain: Only at ten pounds, but I haven't lost anymore at least!

Belly Button In or Out: It is soooooo close to popping out and it grosses me out lol. I can't look at my bare belly anymore because of it. :P

Maternity Clothes: Hardly any this time around still. Just work pants and jeans really. I think I own two pairs of maternity pants, one pair of shorts and three maternity shirts. Everything else is my regular clothing!

Morning Sickness: Have had it every morning this week. Ugh!

Stretch Marks: I have found some tiny new ones developing on the top of my belly. :( Darn, darn, darn! Oh well, its inevitable I guess lol. 

Labor Signs: Anna is really low and I have slight pelvic stretching pains. She is also still head down, which is awesome. I am still getting those lovely Braxton Hicks contractions. Then of course, that nasty pre-term labor contractions I had last week. Ugh. Oh and all that nesting lol. Its driving my mom crazy. :P 

Gender: A Girl :D

Movement: She is always moving and it is almost always a little painful now. You're running out of room, girlie! Be a little nicer to your mama! Please! :P

Sleep: Sleep has gotten better, but I think only because I have been given bed rest orders by my husband and mom lol. So most of my day is sleeping, except for maybe five or six hours a day. A lot better than the last weeks lol!

Best Moment This Week: Finding out that I get to have another ultrasound and this one Anna will be really cute and developed! Score lol! :P

What I miss: Still not feeling nauseous or sick. Being able to see and touch my feet lol. You know, same old, same old.

Food Cravings: Dr. Pepper, Soft serve ice cream, Salmon, cheeseburgers, cheesecake, pizza, Laffy Taffy, tacos, Cool Ranch Doritios, Starburst, Skittles, Snickers, chocolate, cake lol, chai tea, milkshakes, Salt and Vinegar chips, grilled cheese sandwiches, and definitely lasanga lol!

Food Aversions: My husband's beef jerkeys, salad or lettuce in general, french fries or tator tots, pasta and most similar carbs, spicy or Mexican food and raw meat. Yuck to the extreme!

Symptoms: Morning sickness, feeling weak or light-headed, round ligament pain, all around exhaustion, the need to pee ALL the time lol, out of breath easily, food aversions and nausea, major forgetfulness, odd dreams, heightened sense of smell, lower back pains, cluster headaches, leg and butt cramps, overly emotional at times (gotta love pregnancy hormones!) and light Braxton Hicks contractions, slight pelvic pains, nesting

What I’m looking forward to: The ultrasound on Friday!!!

What I'm not looking forward to: Nothing at the moment.

Here are my belly pictures for this week. I know I say it every week, but I FEEL HUGE! I feel like its all baby though, she is so tight in my stomach right now. Blergh. Only five more weeks left!

35 weeks and 3 days

In my work clothes lol
Tune in later this week to see how my ultrasound went and to see the pictures! Have a great night everyone!


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