Last night Alan and I went to Alan's friend Tatum's third birthday party. It was Hawaiian themed and they set up several water activities for the kids to partake in. There was a water table, a small swimming pool and two fun sprinklers. Alan didn't know any of the other kids but quickly warmed up again to Miss Tatum.
Alan playing alone at the water table |
The two of them sat in the pool together for maybe a half an hour, playing with the various water toys and occasionally arguing over them lol. I think Alan finally met his match with Tatum, she is just as stubborn and feisty as he is. She kinda gave him a run for his money lol, which was good because he is normally doing it to other kids. :) They got into several water gun fights too and soaked each other by the end of it lol.
Rub a dub-dub, two cute kids in a tub (pool lol) :D |
After playing in the water for a while, it was time for birthday cake. Tatum's mother Heather did a great job on the cake, she made a cupcake volcano complete with dry ice smoking off of the top. It looked so cool! :) Alan and the kiddos also chowed down on fruit and ice cream cones, although I think Alan ate more bananas than he did anything else lol. The punch was also smoking with dry ice, which Alan thought that it made his drink too spicy lol and he wouldn't drink it until I added some water to it. :P Silly little boy! Alan and Tatum sat next to each other like best buds while they ate. Its so cute to see him getting along with little girls, he acts totally different around them lol.

Then it was time to open presents. Alan and I had gotten Tatum Crayola's Color Wonder Finger Paint Set and some Play Doh. I love the Color Wonder Finger Paints because they only work on the special paper and not anywhere else. The finger paints are actually clear too! So cool! It took us forever to pick them out lol, originally we were going to pick her out a Barbie doll but with Alan being a boy, all he wanted to get her was cars. Needless to say, after about twenty minutes of going back and forth we decided to just get her some unisex crafty stuff lol. Thankfully Tatum loved them so much too, she gave Alan a big hug. Then the kids all played at Tatum's play kitchen until it was time to go. What a fun little party it was! Thanks Heather and Tatum for having us! We had a blast! :D
I would also like to take the time to once again thank all my readers. As of the other day, I broke 27,000 page views. Wow thanks everyone! :D If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I guess that they have reset there listings, so the easier for us to move up with a lot of votes lol! ;) Hint, hint! I am now currently at Number 204, but it would be the coolest to get down to 150 or lower before Anna arrived.... Thanks to everyone who is voting for me! You are all awesome!
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