Five Question Friday!! June 1, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! Tonight I have training for work and tomorrow I have to host a RockWall birthday party but other than that, my family and I plan on enjoying the *hopefully* nice weather! I can't believe that its already June, that is just crazy to me lol! Today is also pay day for me, so hopefully I will be able to get Anna's carseat finally! :) Should be a good day and a great weekend!

Wow, I wanna give a big thanks to all of my fellow readers! Even though I have been slacking somewhat with my posting, I have still made it to 25,000 page views this month! I had made it to 24,000 on May 18, only fourteen days ago. That means you wonderful readers have checked my page 1,000 times in two weeks when I have barely even posted anything! Thank you, thank you all so very much! Makes me proud to be a mommy blogger. :D

Here is Five Question Friday! I have been slacking a little on this, its been almost two weeks since I have participated! Oh well lol, enjoy!

What were you scared of as a kid?

I was unfortunately a really anxious child. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety at a decently young age. Almost everything scared me. Death, skeletons, ghosts, vampires, robbers... You name it, I was probably scared of it. I used to have nightmares all the time as a kid too. Not too much fun for me or my parents.

I am grateful that I have overcome my anxieties and nightmares as an adult though. :)

Do you sleep well in a hotel?

Kinda. If Lon is with me, I will sleep soundly anywhere. But there has been a couple of times in our relationship where I stayed in a hotel with my family and without Lon, and I slept terribly. Hotels are hard, especially if you are cramped in one with five other people lol. I don't really like hotel mattresses either, they are too hard for my back. Blah, we normally choose camping over staying in a hotel. Its cheaper and more comfortable for us. :)

If you could meet any celebrity, dead or alive, who and why?

Okay, I totally have to do two celebrities lol. But at least one is deceased and one is alive, so I am covering both aspects. :) Think of me as an over achiever lol!

First, I would just love to meet Bob Marley.

Love these types of pictures of him! Look at the joy emulating from his soul!

I adore him and his teachings of love. I think he is one of the strongest souls around. His energy still exists on this Earth through his music and it enchants people everyday. :) I just idolize him and would love to meet him in person!

Secondly, I would just die to meet the amazing Wayne Coyne.

Wayne and bubbles, two awesome things lol!

Wayne is the lead singer of the Flaming Lips, my favorite band. I also think that he is a revolutionary genius, who has a lot of good morals that more people should follow. I have been obsessed with Wayne for quite a while now, since I first saw him live the summer of 2008. His performance just blew me away, the whole thing was just so beautiful and happy, I could barely handle it. It still to this day is in my top ten favorite moments. I would just love to meet him and learn from his brilliant ways.

It's a hot summer day. Do you prefer to be pool side or at the beach?

I would prefer to be at the beach, but not in the oceanside beach sense at all. I love to hang out on the beach of Canyon Ferry Lake in the heat. Its probably my favorite place to be in the summer. Unfortunately this year we will not be able to go to Canyon Ferry Lake because of my pregnancy and Anna's arrival due for mid July. But I cannot wait to take an almost one year old Anna and an almost four year old Alan next year! :)

What is your favorite summer dish?

Fruit pizza. Yummy! I love to make it (it is really fun to get toddlers involved, especially in the topping of it) and I love to eat it even more! Its pretty darn good for you too lol! Bonus because I have been known to eat almost a whole pizza to myself lmao! No guilt though! :P

Mmmmm, now I wanna make it!

Tune in next week for my Month in Review post and my weekly Pregnancy Post! Hope everyone has a great weekend! If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I guess that they have reset there listings, so the easier for us to move up with a lot of votes lol! ;) Hint, hint! I am now currently at Number 213, but it would be the coolest to get down into the hundreds before Anna arrived.... Thanks to everyone who is voting for me!  You are all awesome!

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