Looking for Guest Bloggers!

I know that my posts have been lacking lately and I anticipate them only slacking more once Miss Anna comes along. So I have been brainstorming on what to do those first six weeks that she is here. I have come to the conclusion that I have two options to go with:

Option one: Pre-write a whole bunch of posts to be scheduled for when she arrives.

Option two: Have several guest bloggers do all the dirty work for me! :P

Needless to say, I am going with option two. I am already struggling enough just getting my Pregnancy Posts and other weekly posts out right now, I don't think I can write more for later lol!

So this is what I need from you, my fellow bloggers. I am looking for six to twelve bloggers willing to do a guest post for me on anything you want to write about, as long as it is somewhat family oriented. I so far have two women who will be participating. If you are interested, please email me at jkdesignster@gmail.com and I will get you a date scheduled. Please, tell your blogging friends and spread the word, I want to keep this blog interesting while I am adjusting to being a new mama of two! :D


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