Month in Review: May 2012

Preparing for a new baby in the house makes for one busy month! Its been almost three years since I have done all this, I forgot how much work it entailed lol. Plus with all the other stuff we did and Lon working his two jobs like a maniac, it felt like May just flew by for my family. Here is some of the stuff we did:

Three of my siblings had birthdays this month. Uncle Kalvin turned eight years old on the fourth of May and we went to the Reef for his birthday party. Aunt Natalie's twentieth birthday was the next day, on Cinco de Mayo. We went out to Dos Machos to celebrate her birthday. Lastly, Uncle Darren's 24th birthday on the 10th. I haven't seen him our my nephew Connor yet to celebrate with him, but we hope to see them soon! :D

Mother's Day was also this month, May 13th. I felt so blessed to be Alan's mother and am so excited to add another wonderful child to my brood, that I dedicated a whole week to Mother's Day. I started out the week exploring my journey through motherhood thus far. Then I wrote about the history of Mother's Day, which surprisingly taught me some new things too. :) I finished out the week with an ode to my mother post, where I celebrated my mother and her beautiful love for me and my family. Mother's Day was also my good friend Jessica's wedding. She married hubby Wade at a gorgeous ceremony at the Billings Train Depot. Alan had a blast, but was confused where the bouncy house was lol (the last time we were there, there was a bouncy house).

I also went to Jessica's Bachelorette party the weekend before and had a blast with my girls from work! Then Jenelle, Natalie and I held my baby shower at my parent's house. We played four fun games and Anna got a ton of gifts from everyone. We are so spoiled by everyone! :D And instead of going on our last camping trip before Anna, we spring cleaned our house and finished Operation: Declutter House for Anna's Arrival. I was a little sad we didn't get to go camping, but it rained the whole weekend and we ended up accomplishing everything!

I actually didn't write about too much this month. I was bedridden most of the end of the month due to pelvic pains and morning sickness. But one thing that really baffled me was that its been five whole years since I graduated high school. I wrote about all of the changes that have happened to me since then and looking back, its been a wild ride!

This month I went through my 29-33 weeks of pregnancy and boy is it getting rough now lol! Here is my 29th week's post, 30th week's post, 31st week's post, 32nd week's post and my 33rd week's post. I also visited my midwife several times, the first visit came with not so good news because of my weight loss. Thankfully, I gained back the weight I lost but have still to put on any more weight yet. Oh well, just gotta keep eating! :)

So much happened this month, and now we have only a month and a half until Anna arrives! I still need to get Lon to set up all of her equipment lol! Times a ticking!!!


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