Five Question Friday!! June 15, 2012

Its Friday! This morning I have my ultrasound to check up on Miss Anna's growth, it will be great to get to see her again! I can't wait to meet her! :D I hope I get some pictures to take home, I will definitely post them on here sometime this weekend. Then Alan and I are going shopping with my family for Father's Day. Not sure what we are getting Lon or my dad yet, but I know Alan will help me pick! Otherwise, I look forward to a weekend of fun in the sun. But not too much sun, I don't want to end up in L and D again.

Here's this week's Five Question Friday!

Would you grow your hair out to donate it?
Lol, my family and I always do that.

Lon donated his gorgeous hair to Locks for Love when he got it cut last (he donated ten inches) and I donated my hair last month when I cut it too (I only donated eight inches lol). Here is my hair cut!

 What song makes you think of summer?
 Hmmm, that's a tough one. Probably anything by Jack Johnson makes me think about summer, but only really because I have never been to Hawaii lol. I have a feeling that's all his songs would make me think about if I had been there before... I WANNA GO TO HAWAII!!! Lol...

Are you a flip flops or sandals kind of person?
I am technically a flip flop person but I really prefer Tevas over any other flip flops. And I'm not a hundred percent sure that Tevas aren't referred to as sandals anyways lol. Hmmm...

For those of you that don't know, these are Tevas. 

 Favorite summer treat (ie ice cream, snow cones, etc)?
 Right now? Soft serve ice cream.

I just loooooooooooooove soft serve ice cream! It has to be soft serve though, I am not too into normal hard ice cream right now. Speaking of which, is it called hard serve ice cream or what? Never thought that made too much sense lol.

Do you do something special for the father of your children on Fathers day?
Well since Alan is only two and a half right now, I do set up something special for Lon for Father's Day. This year we are making him a card, hopefully getting him something small and maybe getting him and my dad a Dairy Queen cake. As my children get older though, I hope to leave it up to them what they want to do for their father. It is after all, their day to spend with their dad.

I would also like to take the time to once again thank all my readers. As of the other day, I broke 26,000 page views. And since that day, I have already had 300 more views! Wow thanks everyone! :D If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I guess that they have reset there listings, so the easier for us to move up with a lot of votes lol! ;) Hint, hint! I am now currently at Number 197, but it would be the coolest to get down to 150 or lower before Anna arrived.... Thanks to everyone who is voting for me!  You are all awesome!

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