I just LOVE consignment stores!!

We had a busy Labor Day weekend, like I mentioned in my earlier post. On Saturday once we left Pioneer Park, we went to one of the local consignment stores for Fall shopping for the kids. Because of the holiday weekend, they had a sale that was $35 for everything you could fit in a bag. We got quite a bit of things for the kids, including three pairs of Levi jeans for Alan! The jeans were brand new too! This is why I love consignment stores! Want to see the math?

Levi jeans in his size run about $38 so for three pairs that's $114.

I spent $93 and not only got those three pairs of brand new jeans but a pair of new tennis shoes (a size bigger so they will hopefully last us til next summer, hopefully being the keyword), two toys for Alan's birthday (we had to wait until Lon's paycheck to get him a big present), a brand new (still boxed up) toilet seat for Alan, three pairs of tights for Anna, two dresses, four outfits, four onesies, five pairs of pants, two sleepers and a cute pair of Halloween socks.

So not only did I save $21 on the jeans but I got so much more then just them! The jeans themselves were $10 each. So I technically got all three pairs for $8 less than a pair anywhere else!

The best part? We used store credit for all of it.

So it was ALL. FREE. TO. US.

Yes, I realize that these clothes are used but my policy with infants and children is befriend a consignment store! You can trade in all those clothes that they go through so fast (and you know that they do that) and you can buy all their clothes for way cheaper, sometimes even with you store credit! Infants and children go through clothing so fast that used clothes are still kept nice, not to mention that most stores will not take dirty or stained clothes. You can find nice brands like Osh Kosh, or Levi like we did. Its a win-win situation for parents!

Here is my haul! Isn't it beautiful? I sure think so!

Not shown: the two toys I bought Alan and the toilet seat
Do you live near by a consignment store? I encourage you to go becomea member if you have children! I love mine! We will DEFINITELY be going back again soon!

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