And Finally, Some Thoughts on Blogging...

Happy Labor Day everyone! I always think of Labor Day as a special day for my family, three years ago our family was just beginning over Labor Day weekend. I always joke that I labored over Labor Day with my first. We were going to go camping with my family like usual but didn't because Lon had to work the holiday rush at both jobs. But a very special shout out to my Dad and siblings in Reedpoint! We love you and miss you! I hope you are all having a great Labor Day weekend and an even better Labor Day. Hope that everyone is being smart and safe out there!

With my 23rd birthday happening about a month ago and my second blogiversary coming up in about a month, I have been contemplating my journey with blogging alot lately. There are some things I love about my blog, and of course some things that I would like to develop or change. I am, afterall, more enlightened as a parent than I was two years ago when I started this blog. I have matured more and some of my morals have changed. I have learned new things and developed new opinions about life. But back to these changes... Some of these things I will share with you my readers, but others I want to be a surprise! :D Y'all love surprises right? I do lol!

More Informational Posts
Since I have been homebound with my children lately, I have been writing more informational posts. I have actually really enjoyed researching and writing these posts, plus I think they give my blog more depth and insight to my outlook on our life. I hope that my readers have been enjoying my posts lol and that they are helping them in some ways. Plus I feel like it satisfies my desire to be an author or journalist, which is awesome. Because of these many reasons, I plan on continuing to write as many informational posts as I can.

My Blog Name
I have been thinking about my blog name as well. To me it seems a little long and kind of campy. It was okay two years ago, when I was a new mom only 21 years old. But at 23, I feel like I need a new name. I have been thinking of just shorting it to The Modern Hippie Mama or even My Modern Hippie Family but I still haven't fully decided. I think I will also run it past my husband to see if he has any cool ideas, which I am sure he will. Around my blogiversary, look out for the debut of my new name!! The new name will come with a new blog look too. Ooooh, how exciting! :D

Pictures in my Blog
This development came to me while I was looking at some of my friend's blogs. The pictures in their blog posts are so pretty and look professional. They also photograph other things around them, instead of only their children. While I know that my children are beautiful and amazing (I could go on and on), I know that a blog is more developed if there are other pictures. No offense to my children or anyone but people get tired about hearing only about other people's children. I have been trying this out on my blog this past month, with my fair shots and my school shots, and I think I want to make this a part of my posts. I think it looks cool!

More POV Posts
When I had Anna, I had a POV post every week for those first six weeks. I enjoyed reading the insight and perspective of another person, living their own life. Each post was as different as the next. No two posts were similar in any way! It was awesome! I think I will also continue to do POV posts in the future and maybe even biography posts of different people who I admire and respect.

Connections with Other Bloggers
I used to do alot of blog hops and things of that nature when I first started blogging. I would participate in lots of other blogger's posts and was pretty involved in the blogging world. I enjoyed reading about other blogger's lives and the connection I had with individual bloggers. Now that I am somewhat older and am a bit more enlightened as a parent and about life, I want to continue to connect with other bloggers. So many other people also live interesting lives, its great to be able to read about them!

Mature Writing (Not Like That!)
No, no not like adult writing or anything inappropriate like that! What I plan on doing is writing without all the childish lol's or the words that are not grammatically correct. I am 23 years old, an adult and even a MOTHER, my writing shouldn't be confused with a 16 year old chat queen. Sorry, I am more mature than that. :)

Buttons and Icons
I think its about time to start adverstising my blog more. I want it more out there in the world. If I make an icon for people to post on their own sites, this might help some. I have been thinking about what I want to do for the icon but will also want to wait until after the name change. I also like other blogs with buttons along the top. I think it makes it easier for people to find things you find important
to your blog. I will probably have a button about me, one about our wedding day, one for each of my children and maybe one about Budhism and meditations. Need some help figuring this one out though, I have some coding experience but for the life of me, I can't remember how to do buttons lol. My highschool web design teacher would just die if he knew! :P

Homeschool Hour, Show Reviews and More Book Reviews
I have thought about also hosting a weekly post covering all that Alan is learning with me at home. I think it would be great to be able to keep track of his weekly progress in a more fun way (I am already keeping a little log book of things he asks about so I can remember to teach him them). So the homeschool hour will happen every Wednesday at 3 pm. Like when school gets out lol? Get it? :P I will also start reviewing television shows, like I have with my post about the Duggar family or the one about The Week The Women Went. I'm not sure if I will be able to do them on a weekly basis like the rest of my posts, but I definitely want to make this a permanent part of my blog. Looking back, I also used to write book reviews on here as well. Simply because they get me to read new books! And I need to start doing more things for myself, like writing and reading and drawing.

I think that these changes will help develop my blog and make it more professional and mature. Like myself, I am always trying to find new ways to better my blog so if you have any ideas please don't hesitate to chime in! You readers have always been such good support, I trust your opinions. :) Be sure to look for these changes October 11, my official two year blogiversary date! I am so very excited for these changes and hope you all are too!


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