Happy Third Birthday Alan Mikael!! And 400th post!

Today is my beautiful, smart, wonderful, funny, amazing, sweet, fantastic, perfect little boy's third birthday! Alan Mikael Andersen, we love you endlessly! I hope your birthday today is as magical as you want it to be!

I know I usually do cakes but I saw the date this morning and had to take a pic! Milk is bad though lol!
It is just crazy for me to think that he is three years old today. I still fully remember the day he was born. I was a scared new mom, Lon was a stressed young father, we weren't prepared as parents and we didn't even know what his name would be. I wanted Wayne but Daddy said no and after three days of calling him Anders (after our last name), we settled on Alan Mikael. Little did we know that Alan Mikael was the perfect name for him or that this little boy would grow up to become such a sensational child. How lucky are we!

Oh Alan, I cannot believe you are already so big! The other day you were trying to tell me you were four years old, not three. You are already trying to act older than you really are?! Oh boy, you are such a little smartie! Everyday with you is amazing, you teach me new things about you and even myself each and every day. I love being your mother, I feel like I won the Mothering Lottery with you! You are such a sweet and caring young boy, the love you have for life and everyone around you just amazes your father and I. You are simply a blessing to this world.

I feel like I still need to do a stats post with him, to satisfy the baby-book loving mama in me. So I will be sure to post his height and weight on here once he goes to his well-child appointment in October (I know, a whole month late, bad mama award goes to this gal). But I know that he is very big for his age! He is so tall and stocky that people often mistaken him for a four year and have since he was about two and a half years old lol. Here are his stats (with my guesses):

Weight: I keep saying that he is around 37 pounds, that is my guess. Now if he actually weighs more (or less, but likely more) than that, my weight guessing isn't the best.

Height: He just recently went on a bunch of rides at the Montana Fair so I was able to have him stand next to the height signs. I am pretty sure he is around 48 inches tall.

Clothing Size: For shirts he is size 4T or bigger and for pants he is in size 3T.

Hair Color: Light blonde, from his Daddy's side of the family

Eye Color: Light blue with some yellow around the edges, just like Mama's

Here is Alan every six months from birth... Look at how he's grown!


Six months old

One year old

Eighteen months old

Two years old

30 months old

At his 3rd birthday party
Three years old today!
Today for his birthday, Alan and I will make him a birthday cake. I have chocolate cake mix and this cool new frosting were you mix in the color and flavor, plus sprinkles and writing frosting to decorate. We will have quite a lot of fun, I will be sure to take lots of photos. Then after Lon is in between shifts, we will run to Toys R Us and Walmart to spend his birthday giftcards. Alan also gets to pick what I make for dinner and help me if he wants to. I am so excited to spend my day with him, celebrating his wonderful little life! I love you so much Alan Mikael! Hope your birthday is everything you want it to be!

Not to hijack my son's birthday post but this is officially my 400th post! Wow to think, 400 posts of all of my thoughts and feelings. This is my biggest collection I have... My memory colletion. Its crazy to think about!


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