How to Make Mini Cakes With Alan, the Birthday Boy Wonder

For Alan's birthday, we made him cupcakes. We were originally going to make him a cake but my cake pan had seen better days and so I decided to put it to rest rather than use it one last time. I was going to borrow my mother's but forgot until that day so we were out of luck. Alan was convinced that he did not want cupcakes but that was about all we had, except for a square brownie pan that he was not going for either. To convince him to use the cupcake tins we had, I decided to be creative and bake them without papers and call them mini cakes. Alan just loved the idea so we used it.

Here is how to make mini cupcakes, step by step (with Alan as our Vana White):

Step one: Mix ingredients

Step two: Pam the cupcake tin (Not shown because Mama did this)

Step three: Play game with adorable birthday boy while cakes bake

Step four: Mix cool frosting

Step five: Frost mini cakes

Step six: Sprinkles!!!!!

Step seven: Clean frosting spoon appropriately

Step eight: Taste testing!!

And voila! You have delicious mini cakes made by your wonderful little helper! For extra fun: wear a newborn! ;) I hope if you try this you have as much of an adventure as we did! The end result was even more fun and delicious! Here is his mini cake creation, in all its yummy glory:

Can you say yum????


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