Month in Review: August 2012

We had a fantastic month this August! I loved being able to stay home with my beautiful and amazing children this month, I am so blessed! I wrote about quite a bit this month compared to the last few, only because I was mostly homebound. Our family jokes that August is the month we take a break from all the birthdays in July lol. :) And I really didn't mind at all, I really enjoyed being able to experience every moment of my children's lives. How wonderful that truly is! Check out what we did this month!

There weren't too many birthdays, holidays or anniversaries this month. The 25th was Alan's good buddy Kelton's third birthday. We went to his Spiderman themed birthday and had a total blast! :) It was great seeing all my childhood friends and their kids too. I miss you guys! We also celebrated Alan's birthday at the end of this month. His birthday is around Labor Day (Sept. 5) and we are Montanans so usually everyone is out of town and misses his birthday. We had last years party in August too. We had a huge Birthday Bubble Bonanza at Pioneer Park. The kids loved it and the cupcake bar, we all had a blast! The 27th was also my cousin Josh's wedding annivesary. Their wedding was so beautiful two years ago. You may remember they just celebrated their daughter's first birthday and their son's birth last month. Happy annivesary guys! We love you so much!

We didn't go a ton of places this month but the ones we did go to were really fun for Alan! There was the day we went to two different parks in like two hours lol! That was crazy and fun! :) Then we went to the Montana State Fair with my family four times and the rodeo once. Alan loved going both places, he thought the fair was so cool and he enjoyed all the horses and cowboys at the rodeo. After the fair meant that school was starting for everyone, so Alan went back to "school" (daycare) himself. He was so proud that day, he had heard everyone talking about school starting for them and even wanted me to take a "First Day of School" picture. So sweet! I know I had been contemplating sending him to preschool but I finally decided that I would just homeschool him using the ever popular unschooling technique. Fits better for our natural family. :) Then I had my last midwife appointment where I had to bring both children to. I was apprehensive about having both of them but they were angels! I am so lucky!

Here's the big one lol, we may have to do two paragraphs for this because I wrote sooooooooo much this month! We'll have to see what I can do lol. But I have been mostly homebound with both kids, alone all day and night (Lon works two jobs now) so I have a lot of time to think and research. Especially when I am breastfeeding Anna. :) But anyways, here we go:

I wrote about my daily life and my silly adventures with Alan. He likes to hide from me sometimes. :) I also pondered how different things are this time around with Anna as a newborn: my much better hospital experience, the successful exclusive breastfeeding, my realization that we really are attachment parents but for natural reasons, and my exploration of elimination communication. Having less than a month to prepare, I thought about what to do for Alan's third birthday party.
Being a mom of a toddler this time around, I wrote about how the Olympics moved me so. :) Especially when Oasis preformed our wedding song "Wonderwall". We'll jst say, that started the waterworks lol.

I got a new position at the YMCA teaching dance and I was so over-joyed about! I haven't danced in a few years and can't wait to start in September! I also wrote about my kid's crazy matching hair! I whined about having jury duty, even though I ended up being excused lol. But I was a new mom of two! And breastfeeding! I finished my last Point of View post as of current, written by the wondeful Miss Amanda. She opened us up the world of German weddings. Very interesting! :) I then became all nostalgic about my big boy turning three. Times goes too fast!

Anna was a month old in August! She went through her fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh week of life and I covered them in detail with her Darling Dozen posts. We took Anna's newborn photos at our house with help from my friend Kelsie this month. I am pretty happy with the photos, considering we had both Alan and Kelton running around in the background, fighting over just about everything lol. Here are the pictures. She is just so precious and wonderful! We love you so much Anna! :) As for Alan, I wrote about some funny things he told me in the first edition of Toddler Talk Tuesday. He has so much personality and character now, its crazy to me! We are so blessed to have two wonderful children in our lives! We love you Alan and Anna!


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