Jenelle's Senior Art Show

Grandma Melanie, Alan, Anna, and I went to Jenelle's senior art show Monday night after I was finished with dance class. I cannot believe that Jenelle is already at her senior year of college, I remember when we were just starting college together and sharing a table at our art class. We used to make fun of our crazy old teacher Jussila and talked about my family alot  (she was dating my cousin Garrett at the time). Now we are all grown up, she about to graduate and start teaching art class and me married with two children. I miss those days, looking back. It was nice to go back to the art building and see the classrooms I used to frequent.

Jenelle is serioulsy one of my favorite artists. Her artwork is so different and unique, I love all the colors she uses. The theme of her show was manifest destiny, so there were various native american styled pieces as well as some western artwork too. Oh, I loved it all! I really enjoyed the native american side the best, I loved all the animals that were incorporated into each piece. She did several self portraits that I found simply breathtaking, my favorite of those was the one with a sparrow flying over her eye. And I just loved the acrylic painting of the native american dancer. Those colors fed my soul and made it so happy!

I was able to see Jenelle's parents and her cousin. I just love Jenelle's mother Steph, she helped me out so much last year for our wedding. She even lent me her corset for my wedding dress! She was so excited to finally meet Anna and to see how big Alan had gotten. Alan is her little buddy, because he shares his name with Steph's husband. :) Unfortunately, Anna was sleeping the whole time so neither Jenelle or Steph was able to see her beautiful little eyes. That just means we will have to meet up again soon. No biggie! It was cool to talk with her cousin Kayla too. I have not seen her since before Lon and I started dating and we talk on Facebook all the time, so I really enjoyed seeing her and Stefan.

It was a great little art show and reception. Alan ended up eating two peanut butter cookies, a peanut butter bar and two brownies lol. And only had a couple bites of his actual sandwich. Needless to say, he was a little wired. Ugh lol, at least he behaved himself around Jenelle's artwork. I was very grateful for that. He just decided he wanted to run around the reception hall and dump lemonade down himself. Oh the joys of a preschooler. He thought he was so funny too lol! The show was still very enjoyable, we saw some great artwork and spent time with our loved ones we have not seen in a while. I hope we can do something like that again soon!

If you are in town and have a chance to go check out her gallery, go to MSU Billing's Liberal Arts Building and visit the Senior Art Gallery next to the Northcutt Steele Gallery. I have long dreamt of having my artwork in this gallery and Jenelle has too. I am so proud of her for this accomplishment! Good job Jenelle and beautiful artwork! We love you so much!

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