The Circus, Birthdays and Baby Showers

Our weekend was fantastic! We did not get to see Lon too much on Saturday as he worked all day and night but we did go to the Ringling Brothers circus and then to Colton's third birthday party. He had a Mickey party and his mama even tried to make a pinata for it! Homemade pinata with three children of her own? She rocks lol, even if she was not successful! I would not try that with my two lol! Then Sunday was my childhood friend Ali's baby shower. She is having a little boy and the party was themed "Baby Boy Toys". It was too cute!  We had so much fun this weekend! We saw a bunch of good friends and family, it was so nice to see everyone again. I love it when we can all get together and have our children play together. So cool!

Now let me share a little information with you. One of my weird quirks is I am kinda obsessed with circuses and side shows and the such. Especially old time circuses! Oh I love everything about them! I'm not really sure why but something about the circus has always fascinated and intrigued me. When I was little, I always wanted to join the circus. Its probably the preformer in me. I was so excited to go to the circus this time around. The circus was at the MetraPark instead of the Al Bedoo Shrine Audioturium, obviously because it was not a Shrine circus. We usually enjoy the Shrine circus every spring but in all honestly, it is sort of a small town circus. Not that I do not enjoy it, I love the Shrine circus but the Ringling Brothers are honestly at a whole different level of circus act. They have a HUGE show and they have pyrotechnics and all the other awesome bells and whistles a circus has. I enjoy going to the Shrine circus but I actually look forward to when the Ringling Brothers come to town.

Let me tell you, the show was just fantastic...

They had elephants, trained dogs, camels and horses. The acrobatics were breathtaking, they would have several girls up in the air doing death defying tricks all at once. The music was live, the only way music should ever be at a circus. Anna sat in my lap and soaked it all up, her little eyes bright as she moved her mouth in amazement. I do not know what I enjoyed more, her beautiful expressions on her face or the acutal show. Alan's favorite was the strong man, Ivan was his name I believe. He came out and pregormed three stunts: laying on glass with several women standing on a plank on his chest, lifting five women and spinning slowly with them and the worst one in my opinion, laying down and having a car full of people drive over his chest. Ick! Alan loved it though. Personally, I enjoyed the sideshows and the clown the best. Like I mentioned above, I like the classic circus stuff but these both had a modern twist to them that I just loved!

Instead of before and after the actual show, the sideshows were during the performance but in between acts. The ringleader girls (another interesting modern twist) would come out and introduce several side show acts and then let them preform for a few minutes. There was a fire eater, a woman light as air (my favorite lol), and a controtionist. I thought those were pretty cool. The clown was also a modern Cirque du Soleil twist that I enjoyed thoroughly. Instead of being a colorful clown with an afro and a red nose, he was a nerdy smaller guy with glasses and a suit and tie. But his acting was amazing! He mimed so well and did simply breathtaking slow motion movement. Being a dancer, I appreciated this alot more than a silly clown with all the colors. He was just sooooo cool! Now I want to be a clown for the Ringling Brothers lol! I did not take any pictures because I respect their wishes of no photography or videography but we had a wonderful time! I suggest you go to a show when they come to your town! Especially if you have children! They will not be disappointed!

After the circus, we had Colton's birthday party. It was at his grandparents house, out by the gorgeous Rims. The party was Mickey Mouse themed and everyone got cute Mickey Mouse hats. Alan would not put his on hardly but Anna and I wore ours almost the whole time lol. Kelsie, Keith and Kelton were there and the boys played ball together for a while. Then it was time to open presents. Alan had some issues with just letting Colton open his presents but thankfully each kid got a gift bag. That distracted him pretty well. :) Then it was time for cupcakes. Chelsey made a delicious funfetti cake with crushed oreo topping and mini oreos on top for the mouse ears! They were just precious! Alan tried to have two but I convinced him that one was enough lol.

The kids then got to play with bubbles and bouncy balls and yoyos. I went inside to nurse Anna out of the wind and Aunt April watched Alan for me. While I was inside, I got to talk with Chelsey and her parents a bit. It was so nice to sit down and talk with them, I have known them for almost all of my life (Chelsey and I used to dance together as children) and yet, have not talked with them in quite a while. It was great to catch up while I fed Anna. I was so glad that we got to see Chelsey and her family. It had been since Kelton's birthday party when we last saw them. That's too long! I wish we all lived closer to each other so that we could see each other more. Oh well, such if life. All we can do is make up for it with our many visits like this. :)

Sunday was my childhood friend Ali's baby shower. It was at her parent's house, a place I used to spend a ton of time at. I know Ali's whole family, from her step mother and dad to her baby brother Gabe (Uncle Kalvin's friend) and her baby sister Josie (Alan's friend). It was nice because Uncle Kalvin and Alan had someone to play with while we did the whole baby shower thing. Alan had alot of fun following Josie and the puppies around, they even bugged Gabe and Uncle Kalvin some. Ah little kids lol. The party was "Baby Boy Toy" themed so there were baby ducks and rocking horses all over. My favorite was the little elephant on top of her cake. Ali's step mom also made the cute bathtub punch from Pinterest too. You know, the blue punch with foam (bath bubbles?) and the rubber duckies swimming in it? Yeah I thought it was adorable!

We played four different games- The Baby Name Game, the Diaper Game, the Baby Supply Game and the Jelly Bean Game. The Baby Name Game is the same one we played at Alan's baby shower, you get a necklace and are not allowed to say or spell the word "Baby". Thankfully, I kept my necklace the whole shower but was not talented enough to get anyone else's lol. The Diaper Game is where you check diapers with melted candy in them and try to guess what each candy is. I have to see if I can get some pictures of this, I bet they looked just hilarious! I was only able to get five candies right and I even forgot to put down my favorite candy! Wow! The Baby Supply Game was a fun one, I was really good at that one. You got to look at the diaper cake for a minute and then have to remember all the supplies that were on it. Surprisingly, I won this game! I guess I have a good memory lol. I won some delicious smeling pouperri. The Jelly Bean Game is also the same one we played at Alan and Anna's shower, only we used M&M's instead of Jelly Beans. You are supposed to guess how many are in the bottle. I guessed 776 and there were actually around 1200 in there! Wow!

Even though we did not get to see Lon that much this weekend, we still had a good weekend with family and friends. I just hope that my hubby gets a day off sometime soon, he is getting worn out! My poor guy! :/ Love you Lon!


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