Montana Fair 2013

We usually go to the Montana Fair a lot more in the summer, at least two times in the week that its here, but not this year. We were busy with Diversity's Summer Intensive and with work. The only time we really went was Saturday night with my parents and Aunt Nat and Uncle Jake. Lon and I did not get to spend that much time at the fair though because of the Offspring concert. I was very glad that my mom and Aunt April invited us to go with them Saturday night.

The original plan was to go to the Wreckingclowns performance and rodeo first, then the rides and everything else. The Wreckingclowns are a local hip hop dance crew I have been following online recently led by a great teacher, Mister Jeff. Most of his students come from low income families and from hard lives, yet they use hip hop dance as their escape. And let me tell you, these kids are AMAZING! I have never seen a more dedicated group of dancers, these kids are so respectful and passionate. Jeff, you truly are doing great work everyday! Bless you man!

We watched the Wreckingclown's killer performance (even Anna was into it) and had a quick dinner afterwards. However, Alan decided that he didn't want to go to the rodeo and that he just wanted to go on some rides, so we bought them a bunch of tickets. I think they went on about 15 rides, Alan did at least! Anna probably only rode on about five or six rides but she loved riding around in her stroller with Grandma Melanie, just looking at everything. There is so much to look at when you are at the fair!
We even ran into Lisa, Theo and Tessandra again! Theo was happy to see Alan again and enjoyed meeting Anna for the first time. He was quite proud that Alan did so well in ballet at the dance workshop. And Tessandra was glad that she was able to meet my kids as well. Aunt April was so upset that she didn't catch up with them though lol. I guess we were supposed to hold onto them or something! Silly girl!

Here are some photos from our night at the fair. We had such a great time!

This week I have been helping teach the YMCA gymnastics camp with Miss Nicole. We have been working with girls and boys ages 7 to 10 years old. They are a great group of kids! Friday we will be doing a mini performance for their parents, we will be showing a floor routine and then showing what we have learned in camp. I am excited! I have never choreographed a gymnastics floor routine before, this is a wonderful new experience for me!


  1. I checked out the Wrecking Clowns on YouTube. Thanks for sharing, I'm always looking for dance groups to watch. Thanks for the kind comment you left on my blog. You seem like a very cool person and I'm sure you're a joy to be around!

    1. The Wreckingclowns are amazing! :) Are we friends on Facebook? You should check out all my dance vids for my students on there! And thank you, you are an awesome person too!


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