The Little Things

Life has been hectic lately but good. Finances are still an issue, that will always be a problem in this world. :) We have been focusing on the positive and loving our family. The kids have been growing up in leaps and bounds lately! Anna is all about standing and she wants to walk soooooo bad. We are preparing for Alan's preschool, which starts a month from yesterday! He is so excited!

Teething has been rough on this household this month. Anna has been teething pretty badly, she hates it so much! Her and I have lost sleep because of it, she wakes up every hour in the night and right at the crack of dawn. Crazy girl! Thankfully, I found an authentic baltic amber teething necklace for her at our local consignment store. To say that I was excited is an understatement. I am one happy mama!! She loves it too, it doesn't bother her and I think it has done wonders for her. We don't do medicine here, so this was a perfect option.

Look, she went from an angry baby in the morning to a happy baby with her necklace at night! Success!

My mom and dad bought me some AWESOME flats for my birthday. They are so comfy and cute! I love them! Thanks guys!

Something about little baby ballerina feet just gets me everytime! I love baby feet and baby toes and baby heels! Gah, they are just all too precious, I just want to chew on them! :P A few nights ago, I just had to take some photos of Anna's tippy toes! She stands like that all the time and its so cute! She was trying to get something off of big brother's bed. Such a strong girl, gonna reach for it instead asking for help lol! But those feet! Those feet!!

Speaking of dancing, next week is my Summer Dance Showcase. It has all come so fast, I cannot believe it! My little kids will be performing to Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal and my older girls will be performing to Justin Bieber's As Long As You Love Me. We also perform to Cha Cha Slide and will be doing our finale to the Village People's YMCA. I have been working on choreography all week long, cleaning and prepping the costumes. I am soooooooooo excited!

My kids have worked so hard this summer! They learned both breakdancing and some popping and locking. They will rock this performance! I just wanted to add that we will also be having a dance workshop August 17th from 1 to 4. We will be teaching ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, hip hop and breakdancing. Yay! If you live in the area and are interested in participating, email me at for more information.

July 31st was my parent's wedding anniversary. I do not have a photo from their wedding but I figured I would share one from my wedding. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you so much. I hope for many more years of happiness and love!

Yesterday, we went to the pool with Grandma Melanie, Uncle Kalvin, Aunt April and their friends. The kids and I swam like fishies lol, even Miss Anna! Her newest trick is letting her legs float up behind her and kicking instead walking everywhere through the water. She even stuck her face in a few times! Wild child! She is a fish just like Mommy and brother! She had so much fun swimming, she passed out on Grandma Melanie from exhaustion. :) Swimming is sooooooooooo tiring!

Alan is getting a lot better at swimming too. He is most likely done taking lessons for the summer but has made so much improvement! Last year he was afraid of getting his head wet and this year he will go underwater on his own! He is a little splashing man too! I swear my son has no fear! Wow!

Like my merman? He is so sweet! Love him so much!


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