YMCA Gymnastics Summer Camp Showcase

Last week I once again helped teach the YMCA gymnastics camp. I taught with the other gymnastics teacher Miss Nicole. This camp was for older students and focused on development of the gymnatics skills and mastery of a floor routine. We had 14 great kids that worked very hard each day! I am so proud of them! Great job kiddos!

At the end of the week, we taught the students a floor routine to perform for their families. We taught one routine to the girls (splitting them up into two groups) and one routine for our only boy Zach. Nicole choreographed both routines and I do have to say that she did a wonderful job! The music was just right and both routines were so cute! We performed the three routines for their families Friday. All of our students were sooooooooooooooo nervous, but they did so well regardless! Miss Nicole and I are so very proud of them!

I just need to take a moment to applaud our only boy gymnast, Zach. He performed his routine alone and even though he was super nervous like the girls, he did fantastic! My favorite part of his routine is his Tuck Dive! He looked like a little ninja! Great job Zach and great job girls! I am so proud of all of you! Love you all! Hope to see you in class this Fall!

I cannot wait for my dance classes to start next month! I will be teaching seven classes this Fall and I hope to expand my classes in the winter as well! I am so excited to meet my students and to inspire them in the art of dance. Plus, this will be Alan's first year of dance too! I am such a mom, but this makes my year even better!


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