Meeting Mister Theo

Aunt April had practice with her elite company and Theo this afternoon. He is choreographing a group piece for competition later this year. We stopped by to see the progress of the piece and Alan came with us to meet Theo. The company had just finished learning all the choreography and we were able to watch the performance once. I won't give away the exact song but its to a Florence and the Machines song. Love, love, love it! Once again, Theo impresses us all! Beautiful and stunning!

Once practice was over, I introduced Theo to Alan. He was shy at first but he warmed up after Theo told him he had the coolest glasses and that he wanted them. Alan then showed Theo his moves and jabbered about everything under the sun lol. Love him so much! Theo even held a quick impromptu ballet class with Alan, teaching him his first position and demi plies. Alan definitely impressed him! :) I love it, I had a major mommy moment then lol!

Here are some photos from Alan and Theo's first meeting! I think that Alan cannot wait until he is old enough to start the summer intensive! Theo and him are great buds now! :)

Here's Theo, with April's dance buddy Shania, talking to Alan

Tickles from Theo!

We probably will not go to the Fair tonight but we are planning on going tomorrow after the workshop. My mom and I are way too exhausted from this week lol! Tune in Monday to see how our whole weekend went! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I cannot wait for my workshop tomorrow!


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