Diversity Dance Summer Intensive

I had such a fantastic time at Diversity's Summer Intensive this week! I am so thankful for the oppurtunity to observe classes of professional choreographers. Those choreographers have taught me so much about dance and teaching and motivation. I am so endlessly grateful for them! It has completely prepared me for my dance workshop this weekend and for my dance classes this Fall. Thank you to Lisa, Amantha, Ambrose, Theo, Tessandra and Taryn! You are all wonderful!

I was able to take two classes with Ambrose this week. He is Sophia Lucia's (Youtube and Dance Moms) personal mentor, an amazing dancer and an award-winning choreographer. Let me tell you, Ambrose is amazing with kids and is one of the best motivators that I have ever met! He can even convince the quietest student in the class to shine brighter then the brightest star! He convinced an entire class of whiny girls to do 25 push ups! And they were happy and proud of themselves afterwards! What a wonderful dance teacher he is! I took so many valuable notes in his class! There is a REASON Miss Sophia Lucia is so phenomenal lol! Thank you Ambrose for everything you have taught me! I love you, you are so wonderful! I hope to take class from you again soon!

Alan was able to meet Ambrose today after class. He was shy at first, but eventually was talking his ear off and showing him all of his cool moves. He even started competing with the director's daughter for Ambrose's attention! I love it! :) Anna showed off her new walking skills for everyone too. April went in to dance with her class and Anna walked across the whole lobby to get to her! It was so awesome!

I was especially lucky to take three classes from Theo this week. Theo is a former premire soloist for the Unity Dance Company and also an award-winning choreographer. He has worked with Diversity since the beginning. I love Theo, my baby sister April has taken classes with him for a while now too and he is one of those perfect fit choreographers for her I think. I very much enjoyed taking class from him, his main focus was "Dancers being respectful and professional," which I just love. He reminds his students to address him as Mister and reminds them that class is only preparation for performance. I took almost as many notes in his class as I did in Ambrose's classes. Theo also showed me two awesome strength training games. Love it! Thank you so much for everything Theo, you truly are an awesome dancer, teacher and person. Love you so much, man! I hope to see you next year!

I was also able to take two classes from Tessandra, one with Level 1 and one with Level 2. She was the only teacher I was able to do that with! :) Tessandra is a choreographer for So You Think You Can Dance, Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition and China's version of Dancing with the Stars, Strictly Come Dancing. She started her dance company, Unity Dance Ensemble, when she was only 15 years old! Tessandra is an amazing dancer, teacher and choreographer! Tessandra has worked with Tracy's School of Dance and Diversity Dance for years now. I even travelled to San Diego with my company to take classes from her my senior year! She is definitely worth it!

Admittedly, I did not take as many notes in Tessandra's classes. What she taught me is hard to put down on paper. I struggle to explain it once again on here. But what she has taught me this week is about focus and energies and discipline. Very priceless things for a dancer and dance teacher. I loved her classes too! She even benefited from my observations, as I helped her as a teaching example for her youngest students. I am glad it was mutually beneficial for the both of us! Thanks again Tessandra! You are an amazing woman! I love you! I hope to take classes from you again soon!

I was really blessed to take a tap class from my old tap teacher Taryn. I used to take tap from Taryn at Tracy's Schoold of Dance. Taryn inspired me to love tap as a young girl! I owe her so much! She is an amazing dancer too! Her portfolio includes but is not limited to choreographing for The Miss America-Montana Division, as well as the founder and comissioner for the Big Sky State Games Dance Category. She also has experience teaching Zumba, Bongo and Street exercise class. However, I think that Miss Taryn is most famous for her advanced tapping! She is a phenomenal tapper, could be on Stomp if she wanted to!

I took mostly tap notes in Taryn's class, which will help Miss Jenna out with her classes and they will help me when I sub Miss Jenna's tap classes. Really, I took this last class for ME. In this day and age, I don't do a lot of stuff just for me, its usually for my kids or job or my husband. And don't get me wrong, I love doing stuff for my family. But its nice to make just me happy sometimes too. And tapping with Taryn again made me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy! I loved every second of it, man I forgot how much I missed tap! Taryn reminded me lol! :) Thanks Taryn for teaching me and making my soul happy! I hope that I will be seeing you around the studio a lot more now. I love you so much!

Alan and Anna have yet to meet Theo and Tessandra, I hope to set up a meeting sometime before they leave. Maybe tomorrow! Tomorrow we should also be going to the Fair, if not Saturday. Speaking of Saturday, that's our first dance workshop! I am so excited! Tune in Monday to see how everything went.


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