Our Weekend with Our Nephew

We had one of the best weekends ever this past weekend! My sister and her family came down from Missoula for the Montana Fair and to visit family. My mom and I threw her and Benton a Welcoming Shower on Saturday too. I also helped babysit him for the first time ever and loved every minute of it! Alan and Anna love their new baby cousin too! Even Lon was able to meet him! It was a good weekend for us.

Saturday, we had two of the three grandparents on my side of the family over at my parent's house for Benton's Welcoming Shower. My mom made pulled pork and pulled chicken sandwiches for lunch and we made sure to take lots of family photos. Both sets of great grandparents met Benton for the first time, it was such a special moment for everyone. Plus, they were able to also enjoy Alan and Anna's company. They were all very happy about it!

Anna was quite shy the whole time, and had to snuggle with Mama or Aunt April. She eventually started warming up to everyone but still would only allow someone to hold her for a few minutes at a time! Silly girl! However, she did show off her newly learned walking skills and took around four steps at a time! Good job Anna!

Lon and I also went on our date Saturday night. We went to the Offspring concert at the Fair, while the kids went on the rides with Aunt Natalie, Uncle Jake and my parents. It was a great night for everyone!
Anna went on her first ride ever, a Monster Truck ride with Mama and Alan. She was a little concerned during the ride and didn't like that she couldn't sit in my lap lol, but she enjoyed it overall. Lon and I had a great time at the concert. I guess in my old age (lol) I had forgotten how much I like Offspring and how I really know all the words to their songs. We had the best time! Ran into a few friends from both of our jobs and an old friend of Natalie's. And I danced my booty off! Seriously forgot how much I LOVE Offspring. Man!

My phone died at the fair so the only photo I took from the whole night was one of Anna on the camera. I will try to get that one on here soon, but here is one Aunt Natalie took of Alan and the boys at the Fair while we were at the concert. Silly guys, you can tell we are Montana!

Sunday morning, we all met up at Denny's for brunch before Nat and Jake had to leave town. The kids and I all sat at a table and Nat, Jake and my parents sat next to us. I had a spinach and pico de gallo omelet and Alan had a whole Junior Grand Slam to himself! We were quite proud of him!

I am so happy that my sister was able to bring her whole new family down to see everyone this weekend. Baby Benton will be a month old in a few days and for the first few months, every moment spent with him is so special for all of us to share with him. I am so blessed to call him my aunt, he is already such an amazing young boy. I love him so much, and enjoyed every second I spent with him. He is just so perfect and precious. Love you Baby boy! Natalie, I hope you three had as good of a time as we did. We love you guys and hope to see you again soon!

Here are some priceless pictures of us at the brunch. I love my family so much! Don't mind my ugly eyes in the first photo, I only had 4 hours of sleep lol!

Anna has officially made it her duty to start walking this week. Today she has really been trying to stand up for longer then normal and will even try to get a few steps in there. So far she has taken up to five steps before falling to her butt! Big girl! I can't for the life of me seem to get a picture of her walking but here is the first good picture I have gotten of her standing. Keep it up Miss Anna! You'll be dancing in no time!

This week I will be training to prepare for fall classes with Aunt April's dance studio, Diversity Dance. They are having famous choreographers flown in for their summer dance intensive. I will be taking classes from Ambrose Respicio (Youtube's Sophia Lucia's personal dance mentor), Theo Ivey (award winning choreographer and former premire soloist for Unity Dance Company), Tessandra Chavez (So You Think You Can Dance choreographer) and Taryn Struck (one of my all time favorite old tap teachers, she inspired me to love tap!) Monday through Thursday this week. I will be dancing about three hours a day, kicking my butt into gear. I am so excited! I love this studio, love these girls, love the teachers, love all of Diversity!

I also got my class schedule for the fall. I will be teaching five different classes! I will be teaching Beginner Hip Hop, Hip Hop 1, Breakdancing, Boy's Hip Hop and Lyrical. That is like seven hours of dance every week! I am so lucky!!

For those interested, classes are as follows:

Beginner Hip Hop every Wednesday from 3-3:45 pm

Hip Hop 1 every Wednesday from 6:20-7:20 pm or every Saturday from 10:10-11:10 am

Breakdancing every Wednesday from 5:10-6:10 pm or every Saturday from 11:20 am-12:20 pm

Hip Hop Boys every Wednesday from 4-5 pm

Lyrical every Tuesday from 6:20-7:20 pm

Tune in at the end of this week to see how my class went! I am done with the first two classes and am already soooooooooo exhausted. And beat too... definitely worth it!


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